Class starts February 15, 2017 so why not give yourself a Valentine's Day treat and take advantage of the 20% Sale Price?!
Here's the details from Tangie:
There are few things in this world I like to do more than play with my watercolors! They are a unique medium that lend themselves to ~*PLAY & EXPLORATION*~ in this class we'll dive in together to learn the basics of watercolor, including mixing our own unique signature colors, but mostly we'll be explorers! Everything I learned about watercolors was through this type of play (no stuffy rules or "right way" to do things will be found here!). I'm an artist by exploration and I wouldn't have it any other way!
"**NEW** Explorations in Watercolor Online Class"

*Save 20% for 1 week Only* (Sale extended so hurry to get the discount!)
There are few things in this world I like to do more than play with my watercolors! They are a unique medium that lend themselves to ~*PLAY & EXPLORATION*~ in this class we'll dive in together to learn the basics of watercolor, including mixing our own unique signature colors, but mostly we'll be explorers! Everything I learned about watercolors was through this type of play (no stuffy rules or "right way" to do things will be found here!). I'm an artist by exploration and I wouldn't have it any other way!
This is the perfect class for you if:
- Are just beginning! Maybe you haven't ever picked up a brush? I know you can do this, and I'm here to help
- Are intermediate and want to see how I PLAY and explore and push myself every time I watercolor
- You like a "no rules" approach and would love for me to cheer you on every step of the way
- You need help getting over any sort of "anxiety" about doing art or feeling like you are good enough to do this, I STILL struggle with this sometimes, but I also know we were born to be creative and I can help you move forward!
The class will start February 15th, 2017, and it's on sale right NOW!
More details on the class can be found here.
[Posted by: Joy]

I know, I know, I know. EVERYONE says it, but it's so true, there is absolutely no denying it. Practice makes perfect, or perhaps more accurately? Practice makes improvement. As you you've heard me talk about before, I don't consider myself a "natural born" artist at least as far as drawing is concerned, but I'm always wanting to improve. See, I enjoy drawing...a lot. So I decided recently that I need to heed my own advice and that of others and actually make sure I'm practicing. I challenged myself to draw 100 faces in a month (I'm hoping I can do it in much less time than that). Why faces? Because I fear them, and I feel like if I can get "faces" down anything else will be easy breezy! What do you want to be better at? What do you enjoy doing that doesn't come easy for you? Put some practice in and you'll see some improvement.

Face 1 is using all watercolor which I found extremely difficult, so I slowly started adding in Inktense pencils by Derwent as I painted more and more faces, whoa--I LOVE THEM! I'm having so much fun, and just finished Face #47 (I'd say there was some improvement between #1 & #47 wouldn't you?).

A few weeks ago as I was recording the weekly Vlog for the Art Journal Emporium, I said something that struck me as quite profound later. I simply said "I'm not sick, I'm just having trouble with my voice today.". I realized that there is some deep symbolism in that about art journaling. We use journaling and art when we are having trouble with our voice. Perhaps today instead of focusing on "Discover the Artist within you!" we should say "Discover the Voice within you!". Try creating an art journal page today with some journaling, digging deep to see if there is something you are having trouble saying and just let it out.

This page doesn't have a lot of journaling on it, but it helped me realize that I'm trying to learn how to live from my heart instead of from my to do lists. Powerful journaling in just a few words.
PS! Newsletter subscribers get to read these posts first (minus the images), make sure you are signed up [here].

We often get stuck in a rut, sometimes without even realizing it. We may drive the same way home from work every day. We might cook the same things for dinner month after month, perhaps we’ve bought the same color mascara or eye shadow for a couple of years now? These routines may seem like the glue that hold our lives together, after all in our ever faster paced society something has to remain constant. However, many times these routines dull our fabulous minds, they don’t stretch us and encourage us to learn new things, or allow us to try daring new choices! To discover the artist within you this week try taking the long way home (or at least a different street!), try something you’ve never eaten at the grocery store, write with your left hand for an hour. Maybe you can even fix a fun dinner for your family where everyone has to eat with cooking utensils! Be crazy, be daring, do your brain a favor and try something different this week!

To try something different, I grabbed a magazine off my desk, some watercolors and set the timer for 15 minutes! I had such a fabulous time being inspired by another artist! (I also listened to a new audio book!)

PS! Newsletter subscribers get to read these posts first (minus the images), make sure you are signed up [here].

I can't tell you how many times I've heard someone tell me they aren't an artist because (and I quote) "I can't draw a straight line to save my life!". I must admit that I can't help the huge grin that spreads across my face when I hear this. You see, that means you are awesome. That's right, awesome, better than awesome, more like awesomesauce. You don't have to unlearn how to draw straight lines (how many truly straight lines are there in nature anyway? Some argue none?). So here's to us who like to scribble and feel a bit insecure when it comes to drawing. Your assignment this week is to scribble, just for the sake of scribbling in your art journal (or on a piece of paper if you haven't got a journal yet). Just allow yourself to let go and just enjoy scribbling, because seriously when is the last time you got to do that without someone questioning you?

Discover the artist within you today by scribbling and having fun doing it.
Here's to us who won't be saved by drawing straight lines,

PS! Newsletter subscribers get to read these posts first, make sure you are signed up [here].