Tuesdays with Tangie [Discover the Artist Within You!] June 21 2016, 0 Comments

A few weeks ago as I was recording the weekly Vlog for the Art Journal Emporium, I said something that struck me as quite profound later. I simply said "I'm not sick, I'm just having trouble with my voice today.". I realized that there is some deep symbolism in that about art journaling. We use journaling and art when we are having trouble with our voice. Perhaps today instead of focusing on "Discover the Artist within you!" we should say "Discover the Voice within you!". Try creating an art journal page today with some journaling, digging deep to see if there is something you are having trouble saying and just let it out.
This page doesn't have a lot of journaling on it, but it helped me realize that I'm trying to learn how to live from my heart instead of from my to do lists. Powerful journaling in just a few words.
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