About Tangie
Words cannot express my gratitude for each of you that come into my life through art. I'm on a mission to help people who may hear that voice within them say that "you cannot paint" to do it anyway! So many of us don't have what the world may see as "natural" artistic talent. I don't know about you, but I can't sit down and draw a beautiful human face perfectly, even from a reference photo. I admire those who have that very natural talent, they inspire me to keep practicing! But, I know what I DO have, which is a deep desire within, I can't explain, to CREATE. I create because I have to! Creating is a God-given gift to each and every soul who walks this planet. It may manifest itself in many different ways--some of you may be amazing cooks, mothers, writers, photographers, friends, organizers... the list goes on!

I know for myself that if I lose touch with that creative side of me for even a few days, I start not feeling like myself. I believe it's SHOWING UP for the art that is inside of us, and not the finished result that really matters. The true joy in being an artist is in the conquering that voice inside of us that would have us believe we should deny our birthright to be creative, it's showing up even when we feel "uninspired" and work through it. So much can be learned, so much joy found and our minds healed through creativity. I have seen it in my own life and seen it in many others too over the last six years I've been teaching art journaling. If you are scared, if you think you have no natural talent or you have it overflowing, if you know you want to make more time for something creative in your life, I'm glad you are here. Let's create together. Let's honor our creative selves and learn to enjoy the process.