Tuesdays with Tangie [Discover the Artist Within You] August 09 2016, 0 Comments

I know, I know, I know. EVERYONE says it, but it's so true, there is absolutely no denying it. Practice makes perfect, or perhaps more accurately? Practice makes improvement. As you you've heard me talk about before, I don't consider myself a "natural born" artist at least as far as drawing is concerned, but I'm always wanting to improve. See, I enjoy drawing...a lot. So I decided recently that I need to heed my own advice and that of others and actually make sure I'm practicing. I challenged myself to draw 100 faces in a month (I'm hoping I can do it in much less time than that). Why faces? Because I fear them, and I feel like if I can get "faces" down anything else will be easy breezy! What do you want to be better at? What do you enjoy doing that doesn't come easy for you? Put some practice in and you'll see some improvement.
Face 1 is using all watercolor which I found extremely difficult, so I slowly started adding in Inktense pencils by Derwent as I painted more and more faces, whoa--I LOVE THEM! I'm having so much fun, and just finished Face #47 (I'd say there was some improvement between #1 & #47 wouldn't you?).