Art Journal Emporium - Oh I Do Like To Be Beside The Seaside Zine July 21 2016, 1 Comment
Hello, Katrina here with July's Cut and Paste Project.
Can you believe its July already? Although sitting here in the south west of England, looking out the window, you would have trouble believing it but we live in hope of summer starting some day soon.
One of this month's Art Journal Emporium deliveries was Tangie's "Great Zine Project: How to Make Your Own 1 Page Zine". For those who haven't come across zines before, they are little books or magazine made on a topic of your choice and offered up to like minded people to download or print out for themselves. Tangie had this wonderful idea that we all make and then share our Zines with other Emporium members. They can download them, print them out and enjoy them too.
I love this idea and so have had a go at making one myself. As I don't really do digital mine is all cut and paste. Now as I said before we haven't had a summer yet so I fancied doing a sunny seaside themed zine. I love vintage images and Tangie had some perfect collage sheets in the shop that fitted the bill wonderfully.
So grab your scissors and glue and a cup of tea and lets get started!
All you need to get the ball rolling is the template Tangie has made for us (available in the AJE classroom), a sheet of cardstock and what ever you want to use in your Zine. I also suggest that you watch the video Tangie made for Emporium members as it explains how to make and fold the zine into a little book.
For my Zine I wanted a coloured background and the quickest way I think to do that is using my Gelli® Printing Plate. I decided to work on both sides and then choose my favorite side when they were both finished.
Here is how I did it.
Gelli® Printing Plate. You don't need a lot.
Using my brayer I then roll the paint out over the Gelli® Printing Plate.
I then placed my cardstock over the Gelli® Printing Plate, smoothed it down using my hands over the back of the cardstock and pulled it off. I repeated this process until the whole piece of cardstock was covered with the paint. You can often get more than one pull from each application of paint.
You can use stencils and masks and all sorts of things with the Gelli® Printing Plate to give you a pattern, so that was my next step using a different colour paint.
I just kept going, adding layer after layer onto my cardstock until I liked what I had. I always think if I don't like what I have when I am using my Gelli® Printing Plate its just not finished yet.
Once I had a finished dry sheet of cardstock I chose which side I wanted to use,I folded my Zine following the template Tangie made for us. I wanted to ink my edges too, which also made it easier to see the different pages that will make up my Zine.
I then printed out my collage sheets, I printed them all half size except the beach ladies which I kept full size. This is easy to do using your printer settings. The collage sheets I used are -
I cut all the pieces out and laid them on my Zine. The words were simply printed out from my computer and cut up.
Notice some of the pages are upside down. You will need to do this so when the Zine is folded up they are the right way up. Don't worry though this is all on the template and explained in the video. You can then play around with your collage pieces and add anything you think is missing.
Once you are happy glue them all down, fold up your Zine and then just admire!
Here is my finished Zine -
If you would like my Zine for yourself I have scanned it in for you below.
I really hope you will have a go at making your own Zine. Tangie has made it so easy for us with her template and video. You can share your Zine and find other zines by Emporium members over in the Emporium. I am looking forward to seeing what you come up with.
So until next month, when I bring you another cut and paste project, goodbye!.
[Posted by:Katrina Rollings]
Stacy Crookston on July 21 2016 at 07:11PM
Katrina, your zine is darling! I just love the theme, it makes me wish I was by the seaside! Thank you for sharing!