Art Journal Emporium What a Wonderful World Zine Workshop - I Love the Doctor Zine June 20 2017, 1 Comment

Hello, Katrina Rollings here again.  I am part of Tangie Baxter's Creative Crew.  Each month I create a mixed media project to share with everyone here on the blog.

Now, I do have to confess, I had the idea for this project a while ago, well to be honest quite a while ago.  I have been moving these collage sheets I created from pillar to post on my desk for months, each time thinking "I must finish that ".  Well the time has come!  Here is my "I love the Doctor" zine.

Tangie Baxter showed us how to make these little books as part of the Art Journal Emporium Loyalty Rewards program.  They are made out of a single piece of A4 cardstock, folded in such a way it leaves you with a cute little book or journal to play with. I made mine from watercolour paper so I could use watercolours to create a background. Then the world is your oyster as to what theme you choose.

Dr. Who has always been in my life and I still enjoy his adventures.  They film it in and around Cardiff in South Wales which is just across the river Avon from my city, Bristol.  Tangie has a fantastic kit for Whovens (Dr. Who fans ) called "Love the Doctor".  I used a part of the kit in my zine. 

"Love The Doctor {Bundle}"

Love The Doctor {Bundle}

To start with you need to print out your images sized to fit your zine. If you use an A4 sheet of card your finished Zine will be roughly 4"(10.5cm) high and 2.75" (7cm) wide.

If you have been with the Art Journal Emporium for 18 months you will receive access to "What a Wonderful World Zine Workshop".  Inside the workshop you will receive a template and instructions on how to fold your Zine and some lovely images to use.  Those of you who have not been with us that long yet can still join in and make a zine by following my steps.

Take your A4 sheet of cardstock and fold as I have done in the photo above. You then need to cut the middle two 1/4's where they join, along the middle fold. 

Create your background.  I find it easier to lay the zine flat and paint the whole thing.  Don't think about it too much, you just want to have a coloured background that fits with your Zine's theme. You can add specific background details once it's folded up into your Zine.  Let background dry.

Once dry you can fold it up -

The way to do that is to first re- crease all the folds. Fold in half horizontally and crease the central vertical crease so you have a cross shape.

You can then fold two of the cross sides around to form the covers of you zine. You might need to fiddle around with it a bit to ease the folds a little but it will end up as a little book.

Now the fun bit...............make it your own and decorate it.

Here is how mine ended up-

My front cover

First pages.

I added some stars through out my Zine using a product called Buff-it by Pinflair Creative Crafts, through a stencil.

Of course you have to have a Dalek where there is Dr. Who, although it was the Cybermen that scared me when I was young.  I love to create my own lettering.  If that's not your thing then perhaps use letters cut from a newspaper or magazine or just use your computer to generate your letters and cut them out.

Last 2 pages.

The back cover. Don't forget to sign it and add the date.

These are such fun to make. They would make a great project for children to create on a rainy day.

You can make these using any size paper or cardstock.  I have made a larger one from a larger sheet of watercolour paper to take on my holiday with me, I can't possibly go a whole week without having something with me to work on and these are ideal.

Thank you for letting me share my project with you. I would love to hear what you have done with your Zine.

Until next month when I will have another mixed media project for you, take care

Love Katrina

[Posted by: Katrina Rollings]