Flashback Fridays - Art Journaling 101: What to Write Part One August 05 2016, 0 Comments
Over the years we've been fortunate to have Julie Ann Shahin share some wonderful art journaling series with the TB&CO readers. We will be re-posting some of them here on this blog. Please note these may be altered from the original posts to update links, provide information on newer programs, etc
Because there are so many wonderful photos this post has been separated into several parts. Below is Part One.
This is a photo heavy post. Please be patient while it loads, it’s so worth it!
What comes first? The writing or the art? In art journaling, we’ll explore today the words. If you find that you get stuck after creating the art while transitioning to the words, I believe it’s because the art requires a different part of the brain than the writing requires, one uses the left brain, the other the right. So embrace the process, and relax, give yourself a pat on the back for realizing that there is indeed a transition that needs to be made.
I am pulling from the Art Journal Caravan™ Workshop Expedition 2011 {Self-Study} Gallery examples to illustrate ideas for journaling. Thank you to everyone in the Gallery for sharing your talent. I wish I could feature everyone!

I hope you enjoyed Part One fo Art Journaling 101: What to Write. Join us next Flashback Friday for Part Two.
[Posted by: Joy]