Flashback Fridays - Art Journaling 101: Visual Journaling Focus July 08 2016, 1 Comment
Over the years we've been fortunate to have Julie Ann Shahin share some wonderful art journaling series with the TB&CO readers. We will be re-posting some of them here on this blog. Please note these may be altered from the original posts to update links, provide information on newer programs, etc
Visual/Collage Journaling Focus
I’d love to share with you today my Summer Visual Journal. Inspired by collage, visual journals, and Smash Books – this journal is still a work in progress. My journal is more about using ephemera, photos, and journaling – than it is about using paints, watercolors, and getting your hands messy. Although one can feel free to use digitally painted items!

Thanks for letting me share my Summer Journal, in progress. It has been really relaxing to work on it while watching T.V. or just sitting in my dining room listening to the sounds of nature through the open windows.
If you are interested in making journals/planners check out these offerings at TB&CO:
[Posted by Joy]
Norska57 on July 09 2016 at 11:31AM
oh such a gorgeous, JUICY T-A-C-T-I-L-E journal book !
I want to TOUCH the pages!! Especially like the photo taken on a diagonal,
that shows the raised numerals on the page, of writing.
so Juicy!!
chock-FUL :-) :-O F U N So much ACTION in each page – THanks for being courageous and posting your journal for all of US !!