August Grab Bag Not Just for Digital August 18 2016, 1 Comment
The words and phrases included in this month’s Grab Bag, (now available as separate kits: {Tangie Bundle No. 24} Adoration and {Rebecca Bundle No. 24} Riven) - adoration, faith, praise, serendipity, I trust in thee, always wear your invisible crown, learn a reverence for possibility are so hopeful and inspirational that I knew I had to create a type of inspiration board.
Tangie Baxter's "{Tangie Bundle No.24} Adoration"
Rebecca McMeen's "{Rebecca Bundle No.24} Riven"
I used the art doll Riven from Rebecca’s portion of the Grab Bag and words and the rabbit stamp from Tangie’s portion of the Grab Bag. Printed Riven’s head to be 75-80% the size of the height of the page. Printed the words, phrases and rabbit stamp in a size that would fit on the page. Cut out Riven, words and phrases, ripped around the rabbit stamp.
I glued Riven onto the page slightly off center. Applied clear gesso over Riven and let dry. (This allows you to paint over Riven to enhance (or change) her features.)

I enhanced the face by painting with Caran D’Ache® Neocolor crayons and Tombow® water soluble markers. Glazed over hair with watered down acrylics. Added brush strokes of highlighting colors to hair.

I used printed tissue and origami papers for collage around Riven to provide texture for the background. Glued onto page (make sure edges are glued down).
Painted over background with 3 colors - I used Caran D’Ache® Neocolor crayons.

Glued words, phrases and rabbit stamp randomly around the page. Applied a light wash of color over them to blend into the page. (I used a wet brush rubbed over crayon.)

TB&CO Grab Bags are only available for a limited time and priced on a sliding scale, for more information visit TB&CO Grab Bags.
[Posted by:Jan Nicholas]
rklmbhgrec on March 25 2021 at 01:32AM
Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?