Art Journal Emporium - The 12 ANIMAL Days of Christmas December 06 2017, 0 Comments
I enjoyed doing the 13 Days of Halloween so much that I wanted to do the 12 Days of Christmas, but with a twist - animals. Going through my stash to find animals was sooo much fun. I tried to use as many of Tangie’s animals as possible along with Rebecca McMeen’s (from The Lilypad) - and was pretty successful. I also went back to 2015 AJE kits (mainly because everything before 2014 is on another drive).
Here’s the list of kits that I used:
- BUTTERFLIES - Tangie's "{Tangie Bundle No. 19} Envelop"
- OWLS - "Owl Kingdom" from The Lilypad’s Dawn Inskip (I bought this because my daughter loves owls and like Dawn’s daughter, she also works with them) and Rebecca’s "Rhodes"
- FISH - Rebecca’s "Octopus Garden", just loved this kit especially these floral fish
- BIRDS - Grab Bag November 2016 Rebecca’s "Ridley" (no longer available) and Rebecca’s "Fern {Art Dolls Only}"
- JELLIES -"{Tangie Bundle No. 18} Figment" and Rebecca’s "Octopus Garden"
- GREYHOUNDS - Rebecca’s "Greyson"
- SEAHORSE - Grab Bag February 2016 Tangie’s "Figment" and Rebecca’s "Octopus Garden"
- RABBIT - Tangie’s "Wondrous Autumn Graffiti Collages", "Mint To Be" and "{Tangie Bundle No. 14} Spinning Dreams" and Rebecca’s "Zebra Diaries" (no longer available)
- HUMMINGBIRD - Rebecca’s "Greer and her Closet" and Mischief Circus
- FOX - Rebecca’s "Ever Elements"
- ZEBRA - Tangie’s "Mint To Be" and Rebecca’s "Zebra Diaries" (no longer available)
- DEER - Rebecca’s "Kinley"
- BACKGROUNDS - Papers and elements from Tangie’s "Alice's Winter Wonderland", Rebecca’s "Betsy Summer Scenes 2" and "Merry" and some elements from Mischief Circus
I hope you enjoy - I got so much pleasure doing this art and am so happy to share with you.
[Posted by: Jan Nicholas]
"{Tangie Bundle No. 18} Figment"
"Wondrous Autumn Graffiti Collages"
"{Tangie Bundle No. 14} Spinning Daydreams"