Art Journal Emporium: Collage Project - Faces Art Journal Page September 06 2017, 1 Comment
As a personal challenge, I have been working on drawing and painting faces. Last year I incorporated parts of the monthly collage sheets from the Art Journal Emporium into a face and was quite pleased with the results. I decided to try this again with the August collage sheets. I used sheet #2 for the “hair” and the scallops from the bottom of sheet #5 for the neckline of dress. I sketched then painted the face with watercolors and used pieces of the collage sheets, Caran d’Ache crayons and gesso to create the background.

I hope you are inspired to use the collage sheets in new and varying ways.
[Posted by Jan Nicholas, AJE Crew]
Do you love collage sheets? Every month in the Emporium you receive 10 brand new digital sheets ready to print! Plus much, much more!
susan on September 16 2017 at 03:28PM
Great page! Love how your gal turned out.