March Monthly Challenge March 29 2016, 1 Comment
There’s still time for you to participate in the monthly challenge over at the Art Journal Emporium. All you have to do is use one of the ideas below, create and upload your digital or mixed media entry by March 31, 2016. If you participate in the monthly challenge you could be one of two winners chosen at random – each prize is a $5.00 coupon to Tangie Baxter & Co. Woo Hoo!
March’s challenge is to use at least one of the following ideas:
- Use the Following Quote:
“The mind can weave itself warmly in the cocoon of its own thoughts, and dwell a hermit anywhere.” James Russell Lowell
- Create a "found" poem by using word bits or random phrases.
- Envelop
What "envelops" you when you feel your best? Luck, love, harmony, peace, rest?
Easy as pie!
To give you an idea of what you could do, here is my interpretation of the James Russell Lowell quote.

The butterfly and butterfly t-shirt are from the March Collage Sheets. The cocoon is clip art from the web.
The Art Journal Emporium membership includes Tangie Baxter's Collage Workshop for the current month BEFORE it's released in the TB & CO store. In addtion to the digital downloads there is a video tutorial and sample projects!
The Collage Workshop materials need to be downloaded before the end of each month so there's only a few days left to join the AJE and get this month's workshop.
Get those creative juices flowing, you could win a super prize! Come and join the fun!
[posted by Jan Nicholas]
susan on April 01 2016 at 10:56AM
Love your take on the challenge. Your gal is delightful.