Art Journal Emporium February Monthly Challenge Still Open! February 27 2016, 0 Comments

There’s still time for you to participate in the monthly challenge over at the Art Journal Emporium.  All you have to do is use one of the ideas below, create and upload your digital or mixed media entry by February 29, 2016.  If you participate in the monthly challenge you could be one of two winners chosen at random – each prize is a $5.00 coupon to Tangie  Baxter & Co.  Woo Hoo!  

February’s challenge is to use at least one of the following ideas:

  1. Use the Following Quote:

“Whoever Loves much, performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is done well.”– Vincent Van Gogh

  1. Your extra Day!  What will you do with your Leap Year day this year?

Create an art journal page (or project) with your ideas.

  1. Figment

Create a scene or art journal page with a "figment" of your imagination.  It could be something fun like (Tangie's) "whale with wings" that came in the grab bag or it could be something you want to work on in your life.  Are you dealing with something that you know is a "figment" in your mind that you are trying to overcome?  Make this page as deeply profound or as your courage calls you to do, or as lighthearted as your imagination can dream up.

Simple isn’t it?

To give you an idea of what you could do, here is my “Figment.”

All elements were included in the February Grab Bag, now available as separate kits:

Tangie Bundle No.18, Rebecca Bundle No. 18

Get those creative juices flowing, you could win a super prize! Come and join the fun!

Grab Bags are only available for a limited time once a month and are priced on a sliding scale, so act fast for the best deal!  For more information visit TB&CO Grab Bags.

For more information on the Art Journal Emporium visit Art Journal Emporium - Tangie Baxter & CO.

[posted by Jan Nicholas]