Art Journal Emporium Gallery Gems January 18 2016, 1 Comment

Welcome friends!  Glenda here to share with you another edition of the Tangie Baxter & CO Art Journal Emporium Gems...  Today’s selections all center around the theme “Uncaged,” which is also this month’s focus for the Art Journal Caravan.  And if you haven’t taken part in the AJC, I highly recommend it!  There are several ways to participate this year - one could be just right for you!

Our first Gallery Gem is an amazing page created by Diane Foulds.  Her wonderful Phoenix in mixed media seems to rise above the page - and take all of us with it!  I love the the symbolism of the Phoenix rising and the cage staying behind.

Diane’s credits include TB&CO’s January 2016 Collage Sheet Collection Workshop Sheets currently part of The Art Journal Emporium, available at TB&CO in February, a poem by Maya Angelou and her own hand-drawn Phoenix.

Next we have a lovely page by Pam McKenzie.  The bird seems to be bursting through the barriers that were once in its way, and flying excitedly out into the big, big world.  The elegant flowers almost - but not quite -  draw our gaze away from Pam herself, who appears in the gilded cage.

Pam’s credits include images from TB&CO’s January 2016 AJC goodies (, as well as some washi tape and a photo of herself.

And finally we have a curious page by Marilyn Curttright.  Each time I look at it, my perspective changes... Who is caged?  The tigers?  The woman?  Both?  Are the tigers watching as the woman uses the bubbles to float away from her captivity?  And from a certain angle, it almost looks like one of the tigers is trying to pop the bubbles on the other side of the fence.  This piece keeps me coming back for more...

Marilyn’s credits include images from TB&CO’s Uncaged and Uncaged Brushes, as well as images from Rebecca McMeen:

Thank you to Diane, Pam and Marilyn for sharing their sparkling Gems with us!  Please leave them some love!

To find out more about the Art Journal Emporium or the Art Journal Caravan, visit

[Posted by: Glenda Mulac]