Art Journaling Your Word of the Year January 07 2016, 2 Comments

As I wrote in my last post, I'm super stoked about honing in on my word of the year and, as promised, I'm back this week with a spin-off project about it. With some help from Tangie's Word of the Year Workbook (available exclusively in the Art Journal Emporium) I chose strength as my guiding word for 2016. I had other words in mind, but once I read its definition, strength won me over.

I love the practice of using a word of the year, but just choosing one isn't enough for me. I really need to visualize my word so that it becomes ingrained. It has become a personal tradition of mine to create a page for my word and really solidify it, like a piece of history, into my art journal. There's something meaningful about putting it all down in print and really owning it that appeals to me. Here's what I came up with this year:

How have you visualized your word this year? Leave a message below and tell us what's working for you!

Credits: ARTist Collage Sheet #674ARTist Collage Sheet #688, ARTist Collage Sheet #699ARTist Collage Sheet #705Tangible Plans™ {Add On No. 020}Art*tionary No. 2

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[Posted by Karli-Marie]