Art Journal Emporium - Mobile Art Creates Happy Accidents December 30 2015, 0 Comments
This month’s Mobile Art Challenge was tons of fun for me because it was a perfect example of what I call a “happy accident’. I think what I love about mobile art the most is that it’s low pressure and it’s all about discovery. No matter where you start there’s always a surprise waiting to be discovered as you keep layering the effects of one app on top of the other.
This month I used the highlighters in a note taking app called Noteshelf to make a doodle wreath. It took me a few tries to make a wreath that I liked and as it turned out - simplicity was best. All I did was change the colors and make dots with the Noteshelf highlighters in repeating circles.
The magic happened when I saved my wreath and opened it up in a couple of painting apps. I messed around with my paint applications, Brushstroke and Glaze, and most of the filters created some very pretty versions of my wreath. But the final version looked different from all the others. It looked like a party! And it took me by complete surprise. I think that may be why I liked this version the most because it surprised me the most.
There’s plenty more to be discovered in TB&CO's Art Journal Emporium. If you’re intrigued and want to play along and create your own ‘happy accidents’, please consider joining us. The more the merrier! Have a wonderful holiday season!
For more information on the Art Journal Emporium visit Art Journal Emporium - Tangie Baxter & CO.
[posted by Kirsten]