Art Journal Emporium - Documenting Your December December 07 2015, 1 Comment

Good Monday everyone! Glenda here on this December day to share with you a simple, no pressure way to document your holiday season - Tangie Baxter’s December Daily Journal. As part of Tangie Baxter & CO’s Art Journal Emporium workshop, Tangie is making a journal page each day in December by simply jotting down her activities, thoughts and memories. That’s it - no need for photos or extra words.

Take a look at a couple of her wonderful pages so far this season!

To make the project even easier, Tangie is using her new Sweet December Printables and Joyous Noel Printables as bases for the pages. Then she’s adding notes, some simple artwork and maybe a little washi tape. All fun and no fuss! The perfect December project!

Thanks for reading! And remember - It’s not too late to document your December!

You can find out more about the Art Journal Emporium at

The Sweet December Printable can be found here:

The Joyous December Printables are here:

[Posted by: Glenda Mulac]