Thanksgiving Mixed Media Project November 21 2015, 5 Comments

I wanted to create something that embodies the heart of Thanksgiving.  A cornucopia (horn of plenty) overflowing with autumn leaves and flowers seemed to fit the bill.


Here’s How:

  1. Using Tangie’s Autumns Poetry, digitally copied leaves, flowers and birds onto pages, then printed (laser print or if using an inkjet printer, spray with a fixative).  
  2. Next print an image of a cornucopia.
  3. Cut out each piece (this takes the most time, I suggest watching a Holiday movie while doing this step).
  4. On the background page paint a thin layer of paint (I sprayed Dylusions Ink Spray Pure Sunshine) then brush with a wet brush to cover page.
  5. Using a stencil (I used one that looked like basket weave) spray paint (I used Dylusions Ink Spray Dirty Martini), then roll paper towels over and blot.
  6. Thinly paint cornucopia with Dylusions Ink Spray Pure Sunshine. Dry.
  7. Cut a slit in cornucopia so that you can pack with the cutouts to overflowing. Glue bottom part of cornucopia onto page, leaving the part above the slit free so that you can place cut outs.
  8. Place and move around cut outs until it looks right, then glue each into place. Glue down top part of cornucopia. Glue birds to two corners. NOTE: Glue loosely so that some edges are free allowing more depth and dimensionality.
  9. Outline birds with coordinating pens (I used black and gold uni-ball® Signo pens).
  10. Draw a connecting line between birds with Martha Stewart Crafts® Fine Glitter Fire Opal.
  11. Highlight some of the leaves and flowers using silver, ZIG®  Wink of Stella Clear and Black.
  12. Paint cornucopia with a thin mix of brown and gold glitz acrylic paint.
  13. Use a black uni-ball® Signo pen to write the quote:
“Thankfulness is the quickest path to joy.”

The art piece on my Autumn inspired mantel.


The digital product Tangie’s Autumns Poetry is available at Tangie Baxter & Co.

[Posted by Jan]