Art Journal Emporium News February 17 2015, 0 Comments

I hope your part of the world is warm and cozy!

We are just over half way through the month and the Emporium Art Explorers are making some fantastic art. To see more art than what is sampled here join the Emporium or check out our tags on social media (#artjournalemporium and #thedailyartdose).

Book Club

It’s really inspiring to read how just one quote from the book can change the whole way people look at their art or how the book helped them make the leap out of their art comfort zone.

Cathy sketched this beauty in her journal.


No sneak peeks at the swaps we are doing, but from the chatter I hear, the artists are all working diligently on their submissions.

The Daily Art Dose

I just love checking out these mini-masterpieces!

Marilyn’s zentangles are always great, but this one is amazing.

Liz has some amazing backgrounds going on in these ATCs.

February Challenge

I cannot say enough about the fantastic art I’ve been seeing during this challenge.  Here are just a few to give you a glimpse of what we are doing.

Tracy’s challenge is doing houses. I LOVE that she incorporated her challenge into the background for a journal page.

Amy’s doing heart postcards.

Kay took the challenge to heart and even told us her process in this lovely landscape.

So. Much. Awesome. But I can’t post everything.

Check back on Friday for more amazing art. As always, check on social media for more of our art.

Posted by: Becky Sasala