Art Journal Emporium News January 20 2015, 0 Comments
Welcome back to the Emporium!
New since our last post
Have you seen the Collage Sheets yet? And the videos delivered with them? If not, you should. The Art Journal Emporium is tying everything together this month by making Artist Trading Cards (ATCs)—with collage pages—using our inspiring words. Warning: Grab a pack of playing cards and a glue stick before watching…you will be inspired.
What’s going on right now
Activities this month in the Art Journal Emporium include the Daily Art Dose (which has some ah-maz-ing artwork in it), the Words to Live By Project (done in artist trading cards), My Word of the Year 2015 workshop, and the January Book Workshop. But that’s not all, there is also the printed zine (if that is part of your subscription (more info here)), 10 fantastic Collage sheets for January as well as some Book Club inspired handouts and tips from Tangie’s studio.
What we are creating
Today I decided to look on social media networks to see what our art explorers are sharing there.
#TheDailyArtDose tag on Instagram was used on some fantastic art. Here are a few that caught my eye.
Alisa made some artist trading cards. Looks like the beginning of something grand!
Kay’s sketch is so cute and I love that she has some writing scattered all around this page.
Balinda’s experiment with her new pens shows us that making our art, and sharing it, doesn’t mean it has to always be ‘finished.’
Finally, Cindy’s photo shows us that art isn’t always made with pen (or paint, crayon, etc.) and paper but can be made in any medium.
That’s all for today. Don’t forget to tag the images you post on social media with #artjournalemporium and #thedailyartdose!
Posted by: Becky Sasala