Art Journal Emporium News January 13 2015, 1 Comment

Art Journal Emporium members woke up to a fantastic surprise on Monday. The shelves of the Inspiration and Art section were flooded with great ideas for a new project!

For those of you with a subscription that includes the Tangerine Telescope, the new printed zine, you should probably have that in your mailbox by now. Isn’t it great?!? What are you doing with it? Share some of your inspired art with us!

Artist Trading Cards: Words to Live By Project

This fantastic endeavor was inspired by Kay O. with added insights from other members of the Emporium.

Here’s a look at some of Kay’s cards.

This ATC for “Wisdom by Carol A. is gorgeous.

The Daily Art Dose

Daily inspiration is still alive and well with January’s Daily Art Dose. Don’t forget to search for other images from our group on social media by using the #artjournalemporium and #thedailyartdose tags.

Tracey uses this to do her dailies. I think it is a great way to spend 10 minutes a day.

Tangible Plans Workshop

In case you missed it at the end of December we worked on our planners for the coming year. There were some great works of art going on in that workshop. Also, Tangie just announced some new add-ons for the Tangible Plans system. Here’s a link to that section of the shop (HINT: the workshop is still available if you want to jump in now!).

Here is a quick sample from Jen. E. of a planner page. By the way, I LOVE the orange rings!

Art Journal Emporium Book Club

Oh, we are in the good part of the book now! There has been all kinds of creative suggestions coming from the book and even more with Tangie’s thoughts and reflections. I cannot wait to see what our art explorers come up with!

 Stay tuned for more creative and inspirational art in upcoming posts. If you want to get in on the fun, there is still time to join the Art Journal Emporium!

Posted by: Becky Sasala