Guidemap to the Art Journal Emporium January 07 2015, 2 Comments

As the name would imply, the Art Journal Emporium is huge. So huge, in fact, that we thought that we should provide you with a guide map—kind of like the ones you get when visiting a theme park.

When first visiting the Art Journal Emporium, the art explorer should stop by the Emporium Service Center. This ‘information station’ is filled with all sorts of useful facts including introductions from many of the other visitors. Hint: Check out Tangie’s Blooper Reel!

The Provisions and Goods Department is filled with goodies like printables and digital art supplies some of which will be exclusive for Emporium members.

In the Mini-Workshps Department, the intrepid art explorer will find links to the various workshops offered. These mini workshops range from short activities to 3, 5, or 7 day long workshops to prompts that will last the entire month.

Prepare to embark on an art adventure when entering the Inspiration and Art Department. This area is chock full of inspiration, motivation, and encouragement. Follow along with The Daily Art Dose (don’t forget to tag your creations on social media! #thedailyartdose), stock up on BeMused cards, and more.

Venturing even further into the Emporium, explorers will find the Education and Learning Department. “How to” pages, tutorials, and awesome videos can be found stocked on these shelves.

The best thing about the Art Journal Emporium is that it is constantly changing. New ideas spin off into workshops at the speed of imagination. Supplies appear on the shelves overnight. Encouragement and comradery is everywhere.

If you are not already a member, here’s where to join. Tangie explains the Art Journal Emporium in more detail here. If you are a member already, stop by today to soak in the inspiration.

Posted by: Becky Sasala