The theme for this month's Grab Bag is “Envelop” and includes gorgeous butterflies, vintage envelopes plus an assortment of stunning ephemera from Tangie Baxter.
An impish art doll named Mara, various dresses, and more terrific ephemera from Rebecca McMeen plus harmonizing papers are also included to complete this brilliant package.
The pieces of this collection can be used in both digital and mixed media formats. TB&CO Grab Bag #19 {March 2016} is only available for a limited time and is priced on a sliding scale, so act fast for the best deal! For more information visit TB&CO Grab Bags.

Following are some examples of the creative things you can do with the bits and pieces included in the TB&CO Grab Bag #19 {March 2016}. By the way I only used bits and pieces from this month’s grab bag, nothing else.

I hope you enjoy these examples and are inspired to acquire the monthly Grab Bag to design your own unique art.
By the way - over in the AJE, you can participate in monthly challenges. There are two winners every month. Just upload your digital or mixed-media entry by the end of the month.
For more information on the Art Journal Emporium visit Art Journal Emporium - Tangie Baxter & CO.
[posted by Jan Nicholas]
Can you believe that another month has come and gone? There's no denying that 2016 is off to an amazing and creative start! As usual, the Art Journal Emporium is buzzing with awe-inspiring art, supportive camaraderie, and thought provoking conversation, so it's no surprise that my inspiration this week came from Tangie's latest Art Journal Caravan Itinerary.
The prompt "JOYful Things" truly spoke to me this week. All too often we get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life and forget to breathe deep and enjoy the little things. I've written before about the power of gratitude and, at its core, a list of things that bring us joy is a spin on documenting your gratitude.

[Credits: Tangie Baxter & CO’s February Grab Bag, now available as separate kits: Tangie Bundle No.18, Rebecca Bundle No. 18, Art Journal Emporium February Collage Sheets - available as part of the Art Journal Emporium and available in the TB&CO store the following month]

Much like when I document my gratitude, as I journaled this list, I had to keep bringing myself back to the task at hand; I was continually lost in reverie. Each item on the list brought with it a barrage of imagery and happy memories. I could feel the joy wash over me at even the idea of the warm sun on my face, or that first sip of coffee in the morning.
THIS is the power of art journaling and practicing gratitude. I know these winter months can to be long and cold, but if you can focus on just a handful of things each day that put a smile on your face, the world looks a little less grim. I cannot express in words the deep peace that art journaling has brought me these past few years, and today my joy comes not just from creating, but from sharing with you in the hopes that you will do the same.
If this is not your particular brand of happy, no fear. Each Art Journal Caravan Itinerary is packed to the brim with idea and inspiration. Learn more about how you can join the adventure in 2016.
[Posted by Karli-Marie]
There has been a lot of wonderful Art Journal Pockets in the February challenge classroom. I thought I would share a couple of them with everyone.
Monochrome Challenge

Heidi used the free sheet from Tangie Baxter, included in the free Art Journal Pockets Workshop. She used an ink pad, paints, markers, stamps and sprayed the page with gold glimmer mist. The words just jump off of the page. She did a wonderful job.
Fairy Tales Challenge
The second challenge this month was Fairy Tales. Everyone did a great job with their interpretation of this challenge. Again, using an Art Journal Pocket sheet that is included in the free Art Journal Pockets Workshop.
Here is Maria’s challenge sheet, she chose “Little Red Riding Hood”. I love the wolf.

She used the Tangie Baxter’s Art Journal Caravan™ 2013 {November Collection} which featured Germany to create the background. She printed the background out and embellished the cards with gold German scrap. I think it turned out amazing.
We would love for you to come and play in the classroom with us in March. Our themes are Doodles and Lucky. We will have the free background sheets loaded in the Challenge section by March 1, but you don’t have to use our sheets you can play along with any of Tangie’s products.
For more information on Art Journal Pockets visit Art Journal Pockets- Tangie Baxter & CO.
[posted by Terri]
Greetings fellow art lovers! It’s Monday, and that means it’s time to take a peek at this week’s gorgeous Art Journal Emporium Gallery Gems!
Let’s begin with this dreamy page created by Robyn L for the Art Journal Emporium February Challenge. Every time I look at it, I can feel the warmth of the sun and the sweet, soft breeze.

Robyn’s credits: Tangie Baxter & CO’s February Grab Bag, now available as separate kits: Tangie Bundle No.18, Rebecca Bundle No. 18
Next we have this amazing black and white piece created by Marilyn Curttright for the Art Journal Caravan Itinerary No. 7. The sad, almost desperate eyes seem to jump off the page.

Her credits: Tangie Baxter's Dreamspilling, Dream Maker, Collage Sheet from Itinerary #7 included in the Art Journal Emporium, and Rebecca McMeen’s Illy
And finally, also in response to The AJC Itinerary No. 7, we have some excellent advice beautifully presented by rarou47. I just love all of her wonderfully grungy layers!
Credits: Tangie Baxter & CO kits
I hope you enjoyed today’s selections! Thanks to Robyn, Marilyn and rarou47 for sharing their delectable creations! Please leave them some love!
Tangie Baxter & CO’s Art Journal Caravan is back for 2016, and if you haven’t participated, you should check it out! I got my start in Art Journalling via the Art Journal Caravan and have never looked back!
Grab Bags are only available for a limited time once a month and are priced on a sliding scale, so act fast for the best deal! For more information visit TB&CO Grab Bags.
For more information on the Art Journal Emporium visit Art Journal Emporium - Tangie Baxter & CO.
Thanks for looking - see you next time with some more sparkling gems!
[posted by Glenda Mulac]
There’s still time for you to participate in the monthly challenge over at the Art Journal Emporium. All you have to do is use one of the ideas below, create and upload your digital or mixed media entry by February 29, 2016. If you participate in the monthly challenge you could be one of two winners chosen at random – each prize is a $5.00 coupon to Tangie Baxter & Co. Woo Hoo!
February’s challenge is to use at least one of the following ideas:
Use the Following Quote:
“Whoever Loves much, performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is done well.”– Vincent Van Gogh
Your extra Day! What will you do with your Leap Year day this year?
Create an art journal page (or project) with your ideas.
Create a scene or art journal page with a "figment" of your imagination. It could be something fun like (Tangie's) "whale with wings" that came in the grab bag or it could be something you want to work on in your life. Are you dealing with something that you know is a "figment" in your mind that you are trying to overcome? Make this page as deeply profound or as your courage calls you to do, or as lighthearted as your imagination can dream up.
Simple isn’t it?
To give you an idea of what you could do, here is my “Figment.”

All elements were included in the February Grab Bag, now available as separate kits:
Tangie Bundle No.18, Rebecca Bundle No. 18
Get those creative juices flowing, you could win a super prize! Come and join the fun!
Grab Bags are only available for a limited time once a month and are priced on a sliding scale, so act fast for the best deal! For more information visit TB&CO Grab Bags.
For more information on the Art Journal Emporium visit Art Journal Emporium - Tangie Baxter & CO.
[posted by Jan Nicholas]
Did you know that included in your Art Journal Emporium membership you receive Tangie Baxter's Collage Workshop for that month BEFORE it's released in the TB & CO store? In addtion to the digital downloads there is a video tutorial and sample projects!
Here's a project our crew member Anne shared with Emporium members. Enjoy!
This month’s collage began with a map. I work at the Census Bureau, and recently, we had to clean out our mapping library. Before discarding books and maps, we were allowed to choose ones we would like to keep. As a geographer, I have always been fond of maps, so I collected several atlases and wall maps. For my journal page collage this month, I began with a map of the United States which I glued into my journal.

Looking at the map, I began to think of the many places I have lived and visited in this beautiful country. I have been to every state except North Dakota, and have lived in five states. When I was 12, I was lucky enough to go on a half year cross country trip with my parents by trailer. So, for my collage, I marked the places that I have lived with stars and drew the route we took on that cross country trip. I also used some of the collage elements to highlight areas, and the hearts mark some of my favorite places.

To round out the composition, I added the wonderful hands and Rebecca’s figure cut from the collage sheets. I used flowers to add some further color and interest, not minding that I covered up Texas :) I apologize to those of you living in the south. There are some really lovely places in the American South. But, my heart belongs to New England, and particular to the West Coast.
When I added “Figment of My Imagination” it made me ponder the nature of memories. The time I spent traveling across the county with my parents as my teachers was the best experience within an already wonderful childhood. I have probably glorified it in my mind. How much of it was real and how much a figment? I guess it doesn’t really matter, I will always treasure the memories of that year - they shaped the adult and the geographer I became.
[posted by Anne]
The Collage Workshop materials need to be downloaded before the end of each month so there's only a few days left to join the AJE and get this month's workshop.
For more information on the Art Journal Emporium visit Art Journal Emporium - Tangie Baxter & CO.
[posted by Joy]

Have you received the latest FREE itinerary from Tangie’s Art Journal Caravan? If not, you can sign up here! As always, it was full of wonderful ideas, challenges, and inspiration. Every itinerary I receive sparks something new and different, pushing the boundaries of my creativity. Usually I’m inspired by color, words, or quotes, but this week what really caught my eye was the Artist Mastermind: Claude Monet.
In Tangie’s latest foray into authenticity, she has introduced a Vlog, and this week’s episode did not disappoint. Her insight into Monet, his work and how it relates to us all as art journalists has deeply inspired my latest piece (and sort-of tutorial for you), which I’m super excited to introduce.
But first, a little bit about the legendary Claude Monet. Monet is perhaps one of the world’s most famous painters, born in France in 1840. He, and other artists such as Renoir and Sisley grandfathered the Impressionist movement in France during the 1860s. Monet and his counterparts sought to break out from the confines of the Realism movement that was popular at the time. Instead, these artists gravitated toward new colors and techniques. Impressionists saw the world differently than their predecessors; they strived to explore the world around them through the use of light and movement.
Now, while I may not be a world famous artist, I certainly can play one in Photoshop! So today I will show you a few fun techniques that you can use to create a unique work of digital art that rivals those of the great Impressionists.
First off, a quick disclaimer: I am working in Photoshop CC, those who are using different versions may not have all the same options, but there are likely workarounds, it may just take a little more research and leg work. I am also on a PC, so keyboard shortcuts will be different for you Mac peeps.
I started off using this photo that I took of Lake Struga in Macedonia. I found it reminiscent of several of Monet’s most famous paintings.
The first thing I did is duplicate the image (CTRL+J), in theory this is so that you don't damage the original image, but in practice it's just become a habit.
Next, I applied my first filter: Filter -> Stylize -> Oil Paint

I played with the settings until it looked good to me, your photo might be different, but these are the settings I settled on:

I love this filter, we're off to a great start.

Next, I opened up my Filter Gallery (Filter -> Filter Gallery)
... warning: a world of possibilities is on the horizon!

In here the options are almost limitless. It took me quite a bit of playing around to find the effects I needed to create the Impressionist-esque look I was going for. But, here's where I finally landed:
Poster Edges

Add New Effect Layer -> Accented Edges

Add New Effect Layer -> Sponge

Hit OK and voila! A fabulous Impressionist rendition!

The piece isn't perfect, but I love the way it came out. Hopefully this quick and dirty tutorial will get your artistic wheels turning in a new direction.
The effects I chose are not the end all be all of pseudo Impressionist digital artwork either... There are oodles of other filters in the gallery to choose from (I'm also partial to the Dry Brush), the Liquify tool does some really awesome Impressionist warping effects, and if you have the patience, the smudge tool can do an awesome authentic job of recreating brushwork of the era. You could spend an entire day (week or month) delving into the fun of filters in Photoshop.
Thanks for playing along today... and if you're feeling brave, post your piece in the comments below, we'd love to see your beautiful creation!
Are you ready to join us in the 2016 Art Journal Caravan? It’s back and better than ever!
For more information on the Art Journal Emporium visit Art Journal Emporium - Tangie Baxter & CO.
[posted by Karli-Marie]
When I became a member of the AJP crew, I also inherited a challenge of a different kind, where and how to store my pages. I have very limited space and so a binder to collect them in was out of the question. So I have been creating mini journals for them by altering the AJP sheets.

The above houses my AJP Challenge for February “Fairy Tales” and I took a little different approach on my binding. For the challenge I used Tangie Baxter's AJP Sheets 149 and 150 which are part of the Art Journal Pockets Workshop.
I altered the pockets by cutting them on the horizontal and then binding the 3 sheets with a brace cut from a freezer bag. I used two braces, 1 between top and middle and 1 between the middle and bottom portions. The braces are approx. ¾” by 3”, by positioning the end of top portion a little off the middle to the brace and then fusing it with The Fuse Tool by We R Memory Keepers, then the beginning of the middle portion on the other half of the brace and fusing it, at that point the two sections are one and the same process with the bottom portion to connect all.

Once it is one horizontal strip I can then accordion fold them and create a storage cover it.
The spine of the cover was created using a piece of corrugated cardboard, I spray painted inside and out with Design Master® TintIT™ sprays, dripping the Gold Shimmer color so it would run from the bottom to the top, creating the sea plants for the seahorses to swim in, I then outlined the plants with black micron pens. I created a block for the “Once upon a time…” and then distressed it using Tim Holtz®Distress Inks.

The metal chain and photo corners are also by Tim Holtz®. The Seahorses on the front cover are elements created and cut with the Silhouette Cameo® from TB Sheet 149 which is part of the Art Journal Pockets Workshop and colored with Derwent® Inktense pencils.

The Octopus is an existing charm I already had. The dimensions of the carrier is 3 ½” X 4”. The AJPs were attached to cover with red line tape ¾” . My little Fairy Tale is now all ready to be stored away in a very small place. There is peace and organization in the lane.

For more information on Art Journal Pockets visit Art Journal Pockets- Tangie Baxter & CO.
[posted by Sandi Kelly]
Happy Monday to all you artsy peeps! I so hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. Susan here to share some of the goodness taking place in the Art Journal Emporium this week…
Our first stop is an ATC by Karon. Lovely colors and who doesn’t love a flying pig.
Karon’s Credit’s: Figment {Tangie Bundle No. 18} and AJC Itinerary No 7 Collage Sheets by Tangie Baxter included as part of the AJE; FONT is Opera
Next up is this a wonderful mixed media piece by Donna. Love all the different layers and text in this one.
Donna’s credits: Art Journal Caravan Itinerary No. 6, collage, paper scraps, ink, and pan pastels.
Our next bit of goodness is by Sylvie. Love the message, layers and grungy feel of this one.

Sylvie’s credits: Art Journal Caravan Itinerary No. 6 quote, Figment {Tangie Bundle No. 18}, Rebecca Bundle No 18,
I do hope you have enjoyed today’s Gallery Gems... Special thanks to Karon, Donna and Sylvie for sharing their beautiful work with us! Please be sure to leave them some love!
Art Journal Emporium members get all kinds of delightful themed goodies as part of their subscription, you can still join and get them.
Grab Bags are only available for a limited time once a month and are priced on a sliding scale, so act fast for the best deal! For more information visit TB&CO Grab Bags.
Check out this year’s Art Journal Caravan. It’s back and better than ever!
For more information on the Art Journal Emporium visit Art Journal Emporium - Tangie Baxter & CO.
[posted by Susan Mccarley]
Today we are meeting one of our fabulous European artists! Her name is Diane Birch. She contributes some great artwork in the Art Journal Emporium. Here is more information in her own words:
My name is Diane but I am also known as Di the Spy (from an old joke about a Welsh village ... not really all that funny now)
I live in Central France now that I've retired. I used to live near Liverpool in England until last year.
I started out completely digital learning as I went along until I discovered the Art Journal Caravan in 2011. My skills improved enormously with the help of Tangie's video tutorials and inspiration from the prompts.
Since I've had more time, I have started using mixed media in my art as well. I lacked confidence in my artistic abilities so had always been reluctant to invest in the materials needed to get started with mixed media. At least with digital you can use other people's images and you get rid of mistakes as you go along.
I am so glad I made the move to mixed media! It has brought back the wonderful feeling of creativity I remember from when I was a child. I used to spend hours drawing and painting (mainly horses and dogs) and although the art critic within was growing in me, somehow it didn't matter quite so much.
My favourite art supply is probably.... everything! As I've been learning about different media, I've been excited by one thing after another. My current fave is rubber stamp carving. It's so tactile!
I don't have a favourite colour palette. I try to change the colour schemes so that my journal is varied.
I love every part of the Art Journal Emporium. I can never wait for new things to be posted on Fridays (Saturday for me because of the time difference). I am always inspired to create new things from the prompts and I'm learning about different artists too. I also adore looking at other members work. People are so clever and art is so personal. I am always grateful when people share so much.
Here's a sampling of of Diane's Artwork:

To find out more about the Art Journal Emporium or the Art Journal Caravan, visit
[posted by Jen]