Art Journal Emporium 2018 has begun! This year Tangie has created an exciting new project: Time∙Lines! Each month you receive a new chapter to our exciting 2018 Time∙Lines project, including special EXCLUSIVE products and videos! Each month Tangie will record a Vlog, sharing insights and ideas on the prompts and monthly themes. Each month you will also receive 10 digital Artist Sheets (collage sheets) ready for you to print; cut them up and use them as artwork in your art journals (or you can use them digitally too). You'll also get a "15 Minute Flash" worksheet to jumpstart your creativity in 15 minutes or less Other exciting surprises along the way!
Katrina has a great tutorial for converting a portrait orientated binder into a landscape oriented binder. Enjoy!
Hello, my name is Katrina Rollings and I am a member of Tangie's Creative Crew. Each month I write a mixed media post bringing you ideas on how you can use Tangie's wonderful products.
This month I have been having fun with the new Time∙Lines project and have been thinking about how to store them. Tangie has given us lots of different ideas but I wanted to use a ring binder. I chose to use a ring binder because they are cheap, easy to get hold of and use. The major problem with them is they are mostly found in A4 portrait and I needed mine to be A4 landscape. I did look online for a landscape binder but they were a lot more expensive then the portrait ones. So I decided to make a portrait binder into a landscape one!
This is how I did it.
First of all I needed a ring binder. I found a beautiful duck egg blue one in my local high street stationers quite cheaply. I rushed home to my craft room and began its transformation.

The first thing I had to do was to cut the front and back covers of my file. The front was easy but the back was a little trickier as it has the ring binder part on it. I just cut as close as I could to the metal part.

I then had two separate covers. As they were not quite the same size as each other I re-cut them so they matched.
I cut the ring binder part out of the spine part of the folder, cutting as close to the metal as I could.
Now I needed to make a new spine for my file to re-attach the ring binder to.

I used a piece of thick board from the back of a watercolour paper pad. You need it to be roughly the same thickness as the file folder you started with. You can always stick layers of card together until you have the right thickness.
I cut my card so it was the same height as my covers and wide enough to take my ring binder piece. Everyone's file will be different so the size you think you need will be the right size.
I needed to put it all back together again and for that I used masking tape. I have used masking tape for this sort of project many a time and find it works really well. I like to use the wide tape for this type of project.

I wanted to make sure my file will open and close nicely and for it to be able to do that I needed to leave a tiny gap between the cover and the spine.
I find the easiest way to do that is to use a scrap of the card you are using for your spine as a spacer. As you can see in the photo I use my spacer to get the right amount of space between the front cover and spine.
I cut a piece of tape slightly longer than I needed and folded it in half lengthwise with the sticky side on the outside.
I placed the fold of the tape into the gap and then smoothed out the tape onto both sides.
I like to burnish the tape down with a bone folder or the back of a spoon so it is stuck down well. I then trimmed off the tape top and bottom.

I needed to do the same thing on the other side so I turned it over and cut a second piece of tape and again folded it in half sticky side out.
This time I wanted to put the fold into the little gap and stick it to the tape on the back, so I gently ran my bone folder or you can use the back of a knife, down the little gap so that it gently sticks the tapes together but doesn’t tear them.
Once I had done that I could smooth the tape out on both sides and burnish them again.
I also like to put a piece of tape over the top from front to back to stop the tape from lifting up. I do this top and bottom of the spine.

I wanted to cover up the tape so it looks nicer. As my file folder had a black inside I just used some black card to cover up the tape. You can use what ever you like to make the inside look nice. Just remember to do it before you glue in the metal ring binder in place.
You will be left with the tape showing in the folds. Don’t try and cover then with card or paper it doesn’t really work and looks messy over time. I use a felt tip pen to colour in the little gaps. If you haven’t got the exact colour then just go with one that looks nice with the paper you have chosen.
The edge of my file which had been cut also needs attention. I painted mine the same colour as the file but you could use tape or coloured paper or colour it with your felt tips.
Of course if you had chosen to cover the outside of your file with paper then you can cover up the raw edge with that.

I needed to put the ring binder back into the file. I peeled any paper off the back of my ring binder to give a nice rough surface for the glue to get in to. I applied wet glue to the back of the ring binder and stuck it down on to the spine. It needed to be left to dry so I put something on top of it to weigh it down and left it to dry over night.

Now the inside of my file was finished so I could turn to the outside.
I chose a nice paper that matched the colour of my original file and cut the paper into strips the size I needed for the spine and to cover up the tape on the front and back.
Don’t try to go over the folds it just doesn't work. I used a felt tip again to colour in the tape in the folds and also coloured the edge of the paper with ink. I then stuck the paper into place.

This is what the front looks like. The original file had an elastic piece to keep the file shut so I kept that. Originally it went down the side but now it goes along the bottom.

So there we are, all ready for my pages!

If you have any questions about making the file I will be only too happy to help.
I will be back next month with another Mixed Media idea to share with you, until then take care,
Love Katrina
"Art Journal Emporium & Time∙Lines Subscription"

I love Tangie’s "{Tangie Bundle No. 15} Sweet Harmony" which is also available in her shop at The-Lilypad.
The large flowers and muted colors are so dreamy. I drew a face for January, scanned it into my computer and then digitally added elements from "Sweet Harmony" in Adobe® Photoshop Elements.
I hope you enjoy this art.

{Tangie Bundle No. 15} Sweet Harmony

[Posted by: Jan Nicholas]
Hello, Katrina Rollings here from Tangie's Creative Crew with a nice, simple Christmas decoration to make. They are so simple it would make a wonderful little project to make with children in the run up to Christmas.
First of all you need to print off your favourite of Tangie's Christmas paper. I made 2 trees from 1 sheet of A4.

Cut 3 different size circles, you can use a compass or draw around anything you can find. Ink around the edges if you like that look.

Fold your circles in half 3 times so you have the pattern of folds in the picture above.

Using one of the folds you have made fold in half. Keeping that fold horizontal push the sides into the middle to create this shape.
Do that with all 3 circles.

Stack your pieces on top of each other largest to smallest and tuck the internal pieces on both sides in to each other as shown.
Now we want to make some paper beads. These are such fun to make and very addictive too.
There are only 2 things you need to know for making paper beads-
1. The width of the base of you paper strip will be the width of your finished bead.
2. The longer the paper strip the thicker the bead.

So, cut some thin strips like the ones above from the scraps of paper you used for your circles. You can ink the edges if you like.

Take a cocktail stick or anything like it and roll up your strip, starting at the widest end.
Once you have about half an inch left to roll apply some glue to the back of your paper and continue rolling up your bead.
Carefully slide your bead off and allow to dry.
There are so many ways you can decorate and use paper beads, we could be here all day. (Check our this Flashback Friday post for making paper beads). With mine, once dry I put them back onto my Cocktail stick and applied some glue to the bead and sprinkled over some glitter.

Take a needle threaded with a length of embroidery floss and tie a knot at one end.
Push the needle up through the points of your tree. Thread on the bead and then go back down through the tree and tie off inside the tree.

I love these little trees and there are so many ways to use them.

Add glitter and hang on your tree or..............

Don’t add glitter and hang on the tree. They look different in different papers.

Add a star instead of a bead and use them as place settings or a table decoration. You could use larger circles to make larger trees.

Even added to the decorations you already have, everyone has a place for these little trees!
Well I hope you have fun making these sweet little trees. I am off to hang mine on our tree, if I can find space!
If you have any questions or problems making your trees I will be happy to help answer them if I can.
May I take this opportunity to wish you and your family a very happy Christmas.
Love Katrina
[Posted by: Katrina Rollings]
"Quickity Split Refill {Sweet December Collection}"

"Artist Trading Cards Super Saver {Bundle No. 2}"

Quickity Split Refill {Joyous Noel Collection}

Susan here with a quick, fun hybrid project, handmade Christmas Cards. There is still plenty of time to make these little gems to pass out to friends and family.
I used basic brown ready made cards and envelopes along with a glue stick, some glitter, a bit of paint and scissors. The hardest part is deciding which Christmas collections to print.
Collections used: Tangie's "Collage Sheet Workshop #06 {Dec '14 Delivery}", "{Tangie Bundle 16} Evergreen", "Christmastime Vintage Diecuts"along with "Mistletoe and Holly" and "Alice's Christmas Finery" available in The Vault; Rebecca McMeen's "Merry and Bright".

I hope you enjoy.
[Posted by: Susan McCarley]

I enjoyed doing the 13 Days of Halloween so much that I wanted to do the 12 Days of Christmas, but with a twist - animals. Going through my stash to find animals was sooo much fun. I tried to use as many of Tangie’s animals as possible along with Rebecca McMeen’s (from The Lilypad) - and was pretty successful. I also went back to 2015 AJE kits (mainly because everything before 2014 is on another drive).

Here’s the list of kits that I used:
I hope you enjoy - I got so much pleasure doing this art and am so happy to share with you.
[Posted by: Jan Nicholas]

"{Tangie Bundle No. 18} Figment"

"Wondrous Autumn Graffiti Collages"

"Mint To Be"

"{Tangie Bundle No. 14} Spinning Daydreams"

"Alice's Winter Wonderland"


"Fern {Art Dolls Only}"

"Greer and her Closet"

"Ever Elements"


"Betsy Summer Scenes 2"


Hello, I’m Katrina Rollings, a member of Tangie's Creative Crew.
Each month I bring you a Mixed Media project using Tangie Baxter products.
Can you believe it is almost time to bring out the advent calendars and count down to the big day, Christmas Day!
I love advent calendars, you can never have too many. So I have a countdown style advent calendar to show you today.

It very easy to make. I used things you would find around the house plus many of Tangie Baxter’s Christmas kits.
To start with we need to make the stand for the countdown pages.
I used some cardboard box card for the sides and a strip of normal card to join them together.

You will need to cut your cardboard pieces to the size of the pieces in the photo.
Now we need to join the pieces together to make the stand. The size of the spine on your joining piece will depend on the thickness of the card used for the side pieces.
Glue one half of the joining piece to the top of one of your side pieces. Then with the second side piece held on top of the first fold your joining card piece over them to give you the thickness of your spine.
Make the folds neat and then glue the second side in place to look like this

We now need to think about the countdown pages themselves. Mine are 4” square. They all need to be punched in exactly the same place so they stack nicely.
To achieve that I made a template, a 4”square with the holes in the top. We can then use this to make sure all the holes in the project are in the same place.

The first thing we need to use our template on is our stand. Apply the template to your stand and mark the spot for the holes then punch them. You need to mark and punch both sides as we are going to use book rings to hold the pages in place. These will be the holes that will hold them.

As I had used corrugated box card I wanted to cover the edges to make them look neater. I used some Christmassy washi tape to cover the edges. If you want to do this it’s best to do it now before we decorate the stand.

Now you can use some of the wonderful papers from the Quickity Split Joyous Noel Collection to decorate your stand. You can use all kinds of embellishments on your stand to liven it up.
You will also need to add something to stop the stand from doing the splits when the weight of the countdown pages is added. I decided to use some red twine to brace the stand. Cut two pieces of twine and knot one of the ends. Make two holes on each side of the stand and thread the twine through until the knot holds in the hole. Then thread it through the other side and knot it again. Repeat on the other side.
My finished stand looks like this.

Of course you can’t have a countdown calendar without the countdown pages.
You will need to cut 26 4”squares of card and collage one side of them, I also covered the backs as well. I used more of the Quickity Split Joyous Noel papers as well as Artist Trading Card Super Saver Bundle #2, Christmastime, For The Hex of It No. 3 and For The Hex of It No. 5 as well as the family and baking Christmas kits from The Vault.
Once you have collaged them, add the numbers (I added the countdown from 25 - 1, then a Merry Christmas page and a cover page), punch holes in each page using your template.
Of course you can add all sorts of things to your page. They do need to be flat though. I used some sparkling washi tape and some star stickers.
Here are my finished pages pages -

Some of the pages just needed a few stars and their number. When you have that many to do it’s nice to have some simple ones.
If you prefer digital art you could always make you countdown pages digitally and then print them out and cut them to the right size.
Here's the page for Christmas Day and the cover page I made..

Once you have them all finished you can attach them to the stand using book rings.

Bookrings come in all shapes, sizes and often colours. You will need either a 1.5 inch or a 2 inch ring. I chose a D-ring as I had some handy.
Thread then through your stand first and then add your pages and snap them shut.

The idea is that each day you flip a page over counting down to the big day!

Then when it’s time to pack them away it will fold down flat.
Well I hope you enjoyed looking at my Christmas countdown advent calendar. If you have any questions about it them I would be only too happy to help.
Untill next month when I will be back with another Christmas project.
Take care, love Katrina x
[Posted by: Katrina Rollings]
"Quickity Split Refill {Joyous Noel Collection}"

" Artist Trading Cards Super Saver {Bundle No. 2}"


"For the Hex of It No. 5"

Happy Thanksgiving dear friends!

Greetings & Salutations on this wonderful fall day. November is the month we celebrate and give thanks for blessings and goodness in our lives. Today I challenge you to focus on the little beautiful moments in life.

I used Autumn's Poetry, Abounding, Oli And Phaunt and Industrial Velvet (the Vault) by Tangie Baxter along with Rebecca McMeen's Em and Tari Tinkerton.
[Posted by: Susan McCarley]
" Autumn's Poetry w/ BONUS Add Ons"


"TAD {Tangie Bundle No. 01} Oli and Phaunt"

"The Vault"

"TAD {Rebecca Bundle No. 01} Em"

"Tari Tinkerton"

I found this poem and wanted to share it with you.
The year has turned its circle,
The seasons come and go.
The harvest all is gathered in
And chilly north winds blow.
Orchards have shared their treasures,
The fields, their yellow grain,
So open wide the doorway ---
Thanksgiving comes again!
Old Rhyme.
Once again, I used my hand drawn face (November Girl) and digitally added elements from my ever growing stash of images. It is so much fun searching for just the right enhancements / decorations / details for these images. I am sharing two Thanksgiving fairies with you and I used Tangie’s Spinning Daydreams , Bountiful, and Abounding; and Rebecca McMeen’s (from The Lilypad) Maple, Rhodes, and Berkeley for the elements.

Hope you enjoy these images and have a great Thanksgiving Holiday!
[Posted by: Jan Nicholas]
"{Tangie Bundle No. 14} Spinning Daydreams"






I am happy to share with you the first November Girl. For the past year, my personal creative project has been working on drawing faces.
I drew a face for the November Girls, scanned into computer and then digitally added elements in Adobe Photoshop®. For this November Girl, I used digital elements from my stash: Tangie’s "Mercado Salvage" and "Día de los Muertos {UNO}", and Rebecca McMeen’s "Moon Whispers".
I hope you enjoy this art.
[Posted by: Jan Nicholas]
"Mercado Salvage"

"Día de los Muertos {UNO}"

"Moon Whispers"