Over the years we've been fortunate to have Julie Ann Shahin share some wonderful art journaling series with the TB&CO readers. We will be re-posting some of them here on this blog. Please note these may be altered from the original posts to update links, provide information on newer programs, etc
Because there are so many wonderful photos this post has been separated into several parts. Below is Part One.
This is a photo heavy post. Please be patient while it loads,
it’s so worth it! What comes first? The writing or the art? In art journaling, we’ll explore today the words. If you find that you get stuck after creating the art while transitioning to the words, I believe it’s because the art requires a different part of the brain than the writing requires, one uses the left brain, the other the right. So embrace the process, and relax, give yourself a pat on the back for realizing that there is indeed a transition that needs to be made.
I am pulling from the Art Journal Caravan™ Workshop Expedition 2011 {Self-Study} Gallery examples to illustrate ideas for journaling. Thank you to everyone in the Gallery for sharing your talent. I wish I could feature everyone!
Topic: All About Me
by thimbleberrie
Credits: Gal- Artella (i think); green monster-momseveryday ideas freebie;, emily strange; clock- fiddlette; red flower- Ztamp transformation; various kits by
Tangie Baxter
Topic: She
by thimbleberrie
Topic: Health
by thimbleberrie
Credits: far far away pin up gal freebie; strawberries/pepper/asperagus- everydaymomsideas; cupcake- rkd; sweets- bdate sweeties; remember this- SBG connect; various
Tangie Baxter kits
Topic: Art Journaling Process
by thimbleberrie
Credits: various kits by:
Tangie Baxter, Sara Barber, Everydaymom’s ideas, Rosey Posey, RKD, SBG Transformation kit
Topic: Grief

by thimbleberrie
Credits: kits by Tangie Baxter, RKD, Rosey Posey, Deviant Scrap
Topic: Faith

by susan1255
Credits: Elements, mostly Dawn Inskip. Stitched Alpha – Karen Funk,
DHD, Sewing elements – Emeto
Topic: One of the Five Senses

by susan1255
Credits: Page made from various kits by Dawn Inskip, Brushes by Anna Aspnes, Flower Alpha by Holliewood Studios.
Topic: Beliefs
by susan1255
Topic: Venting
by susan1255
Credits: Lots of contributors –
Tangie Baxter, Cali Designs, Holliewood, Marta Wan Eck, Starlight Designs, Fiddlette.
Topic: Wisdom
Test by susan1255
Topic: Who I Am

by Artgirl
Credits: Crowabout Studios, Lorie Davison, Shabby Princess and
Tangie Baxter:
Topic: One Little Word

by Artgirl
Topic: Family History

by Artgirl
Credits: CreateWings Designs for all elements; the photo frame is from JenU.
Topic: Goals
by bitte
I hope you enjoyed Part One fo Art Journaling 101: What to Write. Join us next Flashback Friday for Part Two.
[Posted by: Joy]

Good day, mes amis! It’s time to share three of the wonderful Art Journal Emporium Gallery Gems submitted by AJE members during July! Shield your eyes - these are some real sparklers!
First we have this gorgeous mandala created by Marilyn for the July Monthly Challenge. I’m just amazed at its subtle intricacy!

Credits: Tangie's Rejuvenate and Envelop, and Rebecca's Mendi.
Next we have a richly colored and very mysterious shrine created by Heather for the Art Journal Caravan Itinerary No. 28 - Sanctuary. The colors are simply spectacular!

Credits: Tangie Baxter’s Thoughts of Thee, Call of the Gypsy, Goddesses, and Fall Field Notes. Font: Tell Us, Pangaia
And finally, we have a wonderful piece by Liz that draws us in with its gorgeous tones and enchanting setting. Her AJE July Monthly Challenge contribution seems to truly exalt the possibility of rejuvenation and rebirth!

Credits: Tangie Baxter & CO July Grab Bag now available as separate kits: Tangie Baxter's Rejuvenate, Rebecca McMeen's Mendi; and What A Wonderful World.
Tangie Baxter & CO’s Art Journal Caravan is going strong and we’d love for you to join us on the adventure!
Don’t forget Monthly Grab Bags are only available for a limited time once a month and priced on a sliding scale. Act fast for the best deal. For more information visit TB&CO Grab Bags.
A big thank you to Marilyn, Heather and Liz for sharing their incredible work with us. Please leave them some love. Thanks so much for taking time out of your busy day to stop by and peruse this week’s Gallery Gems!

Tangie Baxter & CO’s Art Journal Caravan is going strong and we’d love for you to join us on the adventure!
Don’t forget Monthly Grab Bags are only available for a limited time once a month and priced on a sliding scale. Act fast for the best deal. For more information visit TB&CO Grab Bags.

[Posted by: Glenda]

Over the years we've been fortunate to have Julie Ann Shahin share some wonderful art journaling series with the TB&CO readers. We will be re-posting some of them here on this blog. Please note these may be altered from the original posts to update links, provide information on newer programs, etc.
The following is Part Two of a fabulous post on typography. If you missed Part One you can read it here. Enjoy!
I believe many of us in this industry collect fonts as a passion. Tangie has picked up on this passion when she started her Foundry with her own fonts for sale. Not only that, she has given exclusive video tutorials on how to make the most of these fonts in art journaling to the Art Journal Caravan™ Workshop 2011 (now available as a self-study workshop) to watch at your own pace.
Today let’s look at some of the talented Art Journal Caravan members and Studio Tangie Creative Team members, and how they’ve made the most of typography and font use. We’ll see the use of rhythm, energy, repetition and scale. We’ll see the use of contrasting fonts, casual fonts and fonts used for readability. We’ll see text paths, text circles and fonts that guide your eye through the design. We’ll see fonts that offer mood, hierarchy and emphasis. We’ll see fonts with a crackled effect, decorative fonts and handwritten fonts. Also we’ll see typography and fonts that break all the rules! Here we go….
The typography on this page by SpunMonkey creates {energy}.
Credits: Tangie Baxter's A Door Just Opened, Fonts- Mock Turtle, Walrus (included in the Fontastic Grab Bag) and Paperworn Art Styles & Bonus Action
This page by joamosatcharterdotnet demonstrates several typography details. One is {scale} as the fonts go from larger to smaller to create heirarchy.

Credits: Tangie Baxter's AlteredArt Sheet65, She Journals Kit, Fonts- Mock Turtle, TweedleDee and Dinah (included in the Fontastic Grab Bag); TumblefishStudios-East is West Extras and Juno-Note Paper Oldies
This page by Tangie Baxter {breaks all the rules}. She flips words along the same line. She also outlines fonts and fills in the centers of certain letters.

Credits: Tangie Baxter's Compendium of Daydreams(included in The Vault), daydream & pause splatter graffiti, Celtic Traditions (included in The Vault), Call of the Gypsy, Fonts-Dodo, Mock Turtle, Plum Pudding, Tweedledum (included in the Fontastic Grab Bag); Rebecca McMeen's Merritt; Metal Momma by Holliewood Studios
This page by Grace shows us a {sunburst} design placement of the text.

Credits: Tangie Baxter's Parcel 30 Gesso Textures and Parcel 31 Gesso 2 (included on AJC Workshop 2011 Parcel Bundle), Fonts- Dinah, White Queen and Mock Turtle (included in the Fontastic Grab Bag), Paperworn Art Styles; Rebecca McMeen's Whim and Eliaz
That's the end of part two. Please join us next Flashback Friday for more fun with typography!
[posted by: Joy]

Welcome artsy friends! It’s time once again to partake in some scrumptious offerings with today’s Art Journal Emporium Gallery Gems!
Let’s jump right in with Kay’s wonderful contribution to the AJE May Challenge and Goodies. Notice how the subtle tones and circles so wonderfully help to convey the theme of celebrating all of life’s possibilities.
Credits: Tangie Baxter’s Beastiary Beasties, Gesso Messy, Compendium of Dreams, Tangible Plans, Possibility, and A Door Opened.
Next we have Donna’s self described "everything but the kitchen sink" page, using the prompt colors and quote from the AJC Itinerary No. 19 - Fortuity. The rich color palette beautifully compliments this mixed media beauty.
Credits: Everything but the kitchen sink...
And finally, we have Rese’s light and airy take on AJC Itinerary No. 18 - Confidence. Love the paint brush, the flowers, the doily - simply lovely!

Credits: Tangie Baxter & Co’s May Grab Bag: Tangie Bundle No. 21 and Rebecca Bundle No. 21
The Art Journal Emporium membership includes Tangie Baxter's Collage Workshop for the current month BEFORE it's released in the TB & CO store. In addition to the digital downloads there is a video tutorial and some wonderful sample projects. Collage Workshop materials need to be downloaded before the end of each month.
Tangie Baxter & CO’s Art Journal Caravan is going strong and we’d love for you to join us on the adventure!

Don’t forget Monthly Grab Bags are only available for a limited time once a month and priced on a sliding scale. Act fast for the best deal. For more information visit TB&CO Grab Bags.

Many thanks to Kay, Donna and Rese for sharing their incredible work with us! And thank you for taking time out of your busy day to stop by and peruse this week’s Gallery Gems! See you next time...
[Posted by: Glenda Mulac]

Over the years we've been fortunate to have Julie Ann Shahin share some wonderful art journaling series with the TB&CO readers. We will be re-posting some of them here on this blog. Please note these may be altered from the original posts to update links, provide information on newer programs, etc.
The following is Part One of a fabulous post on typography...
I believe many of us in this industry collect fonts as a passion. Tangie has picked up on this passion when she started her Foundry with her own fonts for sale. Not only that, she has given exclusive video tutorials on how to make the most of these fonts in art journaling to the Art Journal Caravan™ Workshop 2011 (now available as a self-study workshop) to watch at your own pace.
Today let’s look at some of the talented Art Journal Caravan members and Studio Tangie Creative Team members, and how they’ve made the most of typography and font use. We’ll see the use of rhythm, energy, repetition and scale. We’ll see the use of contrasting fonts, casual fonts and fonts used for readability. We’ll see text paths, text circles and fonts that guide your eye through the design. We’ll see fonts that offer mood, hierarchy and emphasis. We’ll see fonts with a crackled effect, decorative fonts and handwritten fonts. Also we’ll see typography and fonts that break all the rules! Here we go….
This page by sparklyduck75 demonstrates creative fonts use with {rhythm}, which is appropriate for the lyrics.
Credts: Font is Jabberwock by Tangie Baxter, All papers (fillings) are by Tangie Baxter.
This page by jonee uses {contrasting fonts} for ultimate impact.
Credits: Gesso2 by Studio Tangie, ARTistrokes by Studio Ztampf, Femme by Birgit Kerr, Wordstrips by Birgit Kerr, Art Mask Addon by Phuong Ton, Kaleidoscope by Lynne-Marie, creations, Leona Sanford at Catscrap. True to Yourself by Pink Reptile Designs at Zig Zag Scrap. Fonts: You are Loved, Old Typewriter
Quote: source unknown.
In this page by janeagain, the fonts {guide} your eye around the design. The distinctness in font weights help to achieve this effect.

Credits: Dream and Discover, Deconstructed Journals vol. 2 and 3, Steampunk Bandwagon, and Prose by Tangie Baxter Fonts are Five, Seven and Two and Knave by Tangie Baxter and !Paul Maul
This page is an example of giving {personality/mood} to typefaces.
Credits: AJC Parcel 25 by Tangie Baxter and Beth Rimmer; Catch Splatter Graffiti by Tangie; AJC Deconstructed Journals Papers by Tangie; Water droplets from Field Notes: Spring kit by… guess who?; Swirls and leaves from Sweetums Garden by Maya. Fonts: Tangie’s Art Journal Font Chesire and AJF Jabberwock; also 2Peas_Goofball.
This is an example of using a {textpath} or perhaps distorting the text path by Serenoa.
Credits: Elements and papers from Tangie Baxter kits – Golden Ocean, Briny Deep, Seaside Art Dolls, and Parcel 22.
This is a beautiful page showing a bold font with a {crackled effect} by jonee.
Credits: Splatter Grafitti Celtic, AJC 11, AJC 33 by Tangie Baxter. She Follows her Heart by Studio Rosey Posey, Gypsy Rose collab by Studio Rosey Posey and Gypsy, Naturally by Pink Reptile Designs, Creation 23 by Catherine Designs and Createwings, ReCreation 23 by Catherine Designs and Createwings, Natural Abandon by Gypsy, Cozy by Lynne-Marie, Quote by Rabindranath Tagore, Font (with effect) Cracked.
This page by DALE shows us a {decorative} font from Tangie’s foundry.

Credits: Tangie Baxter's Knave Font (just love it!!), Rebecca McMeen's Merrit. Studio Lori's Artist Faeries.
That's the end of part one. Please join us next Flashback Friday for more fun with typography!
[posted by: Joy]

Greetings artsy peeps and Happy Monday! Susan here to share a bit of gallery goodness found while browsing the Art Journal Emporium this week.
Our first bit of goodness is by Georgayne using the the challenge box in this weeks Art Journal Caravan Itinerary 19.
Credits: Art Journal Caravan Itinerary No. 19.
Up next is this delightful flowerhead doll made by Marilyn using the AJC Itinerary No. 18.
I love the color choices and the word list.
Next up is this fantastical piece by Diane. Inspired by the Artist Joan Miro. I love that she took her pencil for a walk and ended up this. What do you see?
A big shout out and thank you to Georgayne, Marilyn and Diane for sharing their wonderful masterpieces in the gallery.
The Art Journal Emporium membership includes Tangie Baxter's Collage Workshop for the current month BEFORE it's released in the TB & CO store. In addition to the digital downloads there is a video tutorial and some wonderful sample projects. Collage Workshop materials need to be downloaded before the end of each month.
Tangie Baxter & CO’s Art Journal Caravan is going strong and we’d love for you to join us on the adventure!
Lastly don’t forget Monthly Grab Bags are only available for a limited time once a month and priced on a sliding scale. Act fast for the best deal. For more information visit TB&CO Grab Bags.
For more information on the Art Journal Emporium visit Art Journal Emporium - Tangie Baxter & CO.
Thank you for taking time out of your day to peruse this week’s Gallery Gems with me. Till next time…..
[Posted by: Susan Mccarley]

September 2011's Adventure Quest in the Art Journal Caravan™ for 2011 (now available as a self-study workshop) is all about Zentangles®, and Mandalas.
Tangle patterns are a great thing to add to your doodling repertoire in art journaling. There are also many tutorials and patterns with instructions online if you wish to explore further. I used some of these patterns on an art journal page that I’m going to show you today as the page progressed in stages.
Here is my page in phases…
First I started out with a vintage book page that I had previously misted in two colors.
Second, I used a pencil to doodle a border around the edges of the page which would be for my text.

Third, I penciled in my journaling and drew a heart.
Fourth, I used a fine point marker over the journaling. Then I did my first tangle pattern (Yincut)on the heart. If you would like to see the pattern instructions for Yincut as I did it in the heart, you can find it here. It is also found on the Official List link above.
Fifth, I penciled in houses along the bottom border. I added swirls. I added a Zentangle border called XYP along the top.
Then I had fun with a pattern called Finery in the upper left corner.

Then, I filled in the area around the butterfly in the upper right corner with a pattern called Bales.
The middle house roof was filled with a pattern called Keeko.
I filled in white space to the left of the swirls with Raindotty, AHH, and SOOFLOWERS.
Finally, I added color with markers.
I added it to a digital journal page as seen below.
Zen by Julie Ann Shahin, all products by Studio Tangie

September Adventure Quest Challenge by sssnoo
“I used Art Rage on my iPad to draw my tangle — its the square in the center. I also used several Gessos and the Gesso styles by Tangie and the rest of the items were created by Nicole Young. This was lots of fun to do. I played with making it all white and Black, but liked the splash of yellow.”
Handy by huntstrong
'I traced my hand with a black Sharpie marker, then divided that shape with horizontal and vertical wavy lines. Then I zentangled away the day!”

“Drawn with my Wacom tablet – contains the letters of my nickname.”
zendala by Nevermore
"Y’all know I love to ramble on. So, I have never done a zendala before so I did download and use Genevive Crabe’s Template 1. Printed it out on cheap photocopy paper and started in with a cheap ballpoint pen. Sadly, by the time I thought I was going to use it, it was finished. Ideally, would have liked this on good paper with a decent pen. Scanned it in and put it on a Berna Datema “Lucky Bucket” paper with a little filtering (colour overlay, match colour, find edges, layer blending) and a good ol’ 60s message created with Michelle Godin’s “I met a Boy” cardboard with lettering done in ArtRage, finished off with Tangie’s worn paper style to make the letters crease nicely where the cardboard is creased. For those addicted, official Zentangle patterns mookah and between were used, the rest is just doodling."

Adventure Quest September by Grace
Credits: Kits by Dawn Inskip and Rebecca McMeen
Are you ready to try your hand at Tangle patterns? As they say, “Anything is possible, one stroke at a time.”

[Posted by: Joy]

Greetings artsy friends! So far it has been a wonderful, Spring-y weekend here in my neck of the woods - and this week’s Gallery Gems second that emotion!
Let’s start with William Charlebois’ magical, hedgehog-filled olive groves! Love the colors - and of course, the hedgehogs! Perfect for Tangie Baxter & CO’s Art Journal Caravan Itinerary 18 - Possibilities!
Credits: Hedgehogs by TB&CO included in the May 2016 Collage Sheets (part of the Art Journal Emporium May deliveries) and background by Joan Mirro.
Next we have Diane’s absolutely gorgeous answer to the AJC Itinerary 17 - Resonate. I can almost feel the wonder and promise of Spring resonating from her page!

Credits: Gesso Messy by Tangie Baxter, Fable by Rebecca McMeen and MBtheM Tanglewood.
And finally, some excellent advice from the very wise Karon Williams! Karon used the AJC Itinerary 18 word of the week - Confidence - and the Tinted Fragments to create this wonderful ATC!
Credits: May 2016 Collage Sheets (part of the Art Journal Emporium May deliveries) and Possibility by Tangie Baxter & LeeLee by Rebecca McMeen part of this month's Grab Bag, OldNewspaperType and Comic Sans fonts, and quote by Blake Lively.
The Art Journal Emporium membership includes Tangie Baxter's Collage Workshop for the current month BEFORE it's released in the TB & CO store. In addition to the digital downloads there is a video tutorial and some wonderful sample projects. Collage Workshop materials need to be downloaded before the end of each month.
Tangie Baxter & CO’s Art Journal Caravan is going strong and we’d love for you to join us on the adventure!
Don’t forget Monthly Grab Bags are only available for a limited time once a month and priced on a sliding scale. Act fast for the best deal. For more information visit TB&CO Grab Bags.
For more information on the Art Journal Emporium visit Art Journal Emporium - Tangie Baxter & CO.
Many thanks to William, Diane and Karon for sharing their amazing work with us! And thank you for taking time out of your busy day to stop by and peruse this week’s Gallery Gems! See you next time...
[Posted by: Glenda Mulac]

(Click images to be taken directly to these sites!
Check them often, there is always more to explore!)
We also use the following HASHTAGS: #artjournalemporium #artjournalcaravan #tangiebaxterandco #tbco #tangiebaxter

We feature YOUR artwork daily! Be sure to tag your Art Journal Pockets on Instagram @artjournalpockets #artjournalpockets
[Posted by: Stacy Crookston]

Greetings and Salutations artsy peeps! It’s time to take a look at this week’s gallery goodness found at Tangie Baxter & CO’s Art Journal Emporium.
Our first gem of the week is by Karon. Lovely colors and delightful little gals. The quote sparked with me as it’s has been a wild - crazy work week.
Credits ~ Art Journal Caravan Itinerary 15, Quote is by Philip K. Dick; Collections: Tinted Fragments and Resonate by Tangie Baxter; Hattie by Rebecca McMeen; Font: OldNewspaperType
Our next bit of goodness is by Bill. I love how the guitars are tucked into the cacti and the sound of music floating thru the night sky.
Credits ~Art Journal Caravan Itinerary No. 13., Resonate by Tangie Baxter and Sound of Music by Mzimm.
Jeanet’s quirky page and quote just made me smile really big!

A big Thank You to you Karon, Bill and Jeanet for sharing such wonderful art with all of us.
Tangie Baxter & CO’s Art Journal Caravan is going strong and we would love for you to join us on the adventure! For more information on the Art Journal Emporium visit Art Journal Emporium - Tangie Baxter & CO.
The Monthly Grab Bags are only available for a limited time once a month and priced on a sliding scale. Act fast for the best deal. For more information visit TB&CO Grab Bags.
Thanks so much for joining me for this week’s highlights…See you next time…
[Posted by Susan Mccarley]