Flashback Friday-Art Journaling 101: Creative Use of Typography in Digi Art Journaling May 20 2016, 0 Comments
Over the years we've been fortunate to have Julie Ann Shahin share some wonderful art journaling series with the TB&CO readers. We will be re-posting some of them here on this blog. Please note these may be altered from the original posts to update links, provide information on newer programs, etc.
The following is Part One of a fabulous post on typography...
I believe many of us in this industry collect fonts as a passion. Tangie has picked up on this passion when she started her Foundry with her own fonts for sale. Not only that, she has given exclusive video tutorials on how to make the most of these fonts in art journaling to the Art Journal Caravan™ Workshop 2011 (now available as a self-study workshop) to watch at your own pace.
Today let’s look at some of the talented Art Journal Caravan members and Studio Tangie Creative Team members, and how they’ve made the most of typography and font use. We’ll see the use of rhythm, energy, repetition and scale. We’ll see the use of contrasting fonts, casual fonts and fonts used for readability. We’ll see text paths, text circles and fonts that guide your eye through the design. We’ll see fonts that offer mood, hierarchy and emphasis. We’ll see fonts with a crackled effect, decorative fonts and handwritten fonts. Also we’ll see typography and fonts that break all the rules! Here we go….
This page by sparklyduck75 demonstrates creative fonts use with {rhythm}, which is appropriate for the lyrics.

CREDITS: AJC 2011 Parcels 35, 33, and 15; AJC 2011 Grab Bag; and aMUSEing Art Dolls and Ultimate Art Doll kits. Fonts: Tangie’s Chesire, Jabberwock, and MadHatter.
This fun page by Yvonne55 demonstrates a {casual} use of a font mixed with doodling. She’s backed the font with color and patterns.

Credts: Font is Jabberwock by Tangie Baxter, All papers (fillings) are by Tangie Baxter.
This page by jonee uses {contrasting fonts} for ultimate impact.

Credits: Gesso2 by Studio Tangie, ARTistrokes by Studio Ztampf, Femme by Birgit Kerr, Wordstrips by Birgit Kerr, Art Mask Addon by Phuong Ton, Kaleidoscope by Lynne-Marie, creations, Leona Sanford at Catscrap. True to Yourself by Pink Reptile Designs at Zig Zag Scrap. Fonts: You are Loved, Old Typewriter
Quote: source unknown.
In this page by janeagain, the fonts {guide} your eye around the design. The distinctness in font weights help to achieve this effect.
Credits: Dream and Discover, Deconstructed Journals vol. 2 and 3, Steampunk Bandwagon, and Prose by Tangie Baxter Fonts are Five, Seven and Two and Knave by Tangie Baxter and !Paul Maul
This page is an example of giving {personality/mood} to typefaces.

Credits: AJC Parcel 25 by Tangie Baxter and Beth Rimmer; Catch Splatter Graffiti by Tangie; AJC Deconstructed Journals Papers by Tangie; Water droplets from Field Notes: Spring kit by… guess who?; Swirls and leaves from Sweetums Garden by Maya. Fonts: Tangie’s Art Journal Font Chesire and AJF Jabberwock; also 2Peas_Goofball.
This is an example of using a {textpath} or perhaps distorting the text path by Serenoa.

Credits: Elements and papers from Tangie Baxter kits – Golden Ocean, Briny Deep, Seaside Art Dolls, and Parcel 22.
This is a beautiful page showing a bold font with a {crackled effect} by jonee.

Credits: Splatter Grafitti Celtic, AJC 11, AJC 33 by Tangie Baxter. She Follows her Heart by Studio Rosey Posey, Gypsy Rose collab by Studio Rosey Posey and Gypsy, Naturally by Pink Reptile Designs, Creation 23 by Catherine Designs and Createwings, ReCreation 23 by Catherine Designs and Createwings, Natural Abandon by Gypsy, Cozy by Lynne-Marie, Quote by Rabindranath Tagore, Font (with effect) Cracked.
This page by DALE shows us a {decorative} font from Tangie’s foundry.
Credits: Tangie Baxter's Knave Font (just love it!!), Rebecca McMeen's Merrit. Studio Lori's Artist Faeries.
That's the end of part one. Please join us next Flashback Friday for more fun with typography!
[posted by: Joy]