Hello, my name is Katrina and I am part of the Art Journal Emporium crew. Each month I create a cut and paste project using the wonderful kits and collage sheets Tangie Baxter creates for us all.
I live here in the south west of England and am lucky to have a lovely garden created and tended by my husband. He is a wonderful gardener who loves nothing better than growing his plants from seeds and cuttings. So when I saw this month's grab bag kits from TB& CO I thought it would make a nice little garden journal to keep all those notes and ideas gardeners have from season to season.

So here it is. I made my own book and bound it using my Zutter Bind-It-All machine. The Zutter Bind-It-All machine is a small book binding machine that cuts the holes in your pages and covers and closes the metal binding rings to make a professional looking bound book. I love my machine and use it a lot to make all sorts of books but if you don't have a machine like mine there are all sorts of different ways you could bind your book. Book rings are a simple way to bind your little journal or using ribbon to tie the pages together would look good too. If you don't want to make your book why not just use a bought book and cover the pages instead.

To begin with I printed out some of the papers and images I liked from the kit onto coated paper. If you are disappointed with the way your printouts look then change your paper before you change your printer. It’s the quality of the paper you use in your printer rather than the printer that will affect the way they look, so using a coated paper that the ink doesn't sink into will make your printed images look bright and crisp and also uses less ink too.
I cut out my papers to use for the pages of the book, covers and dividers. I also found a couple of hook and loop tape dots I had recycled from some packaging.
I used the background papers to decorate both sides of my dividers, then used complementary colour ink to ink around the paper edges and dividers.
There are so many lovely images in this kit, so I cut some of them out to collage onto the dividers
I then turned to the covers. I covered them inside and out with the background papers and then added a couple of the kits images.

All there was left to do then was divide the pages up between the dividers and bind my book.
I have left the divider tabs blank so hubby can use the journal as he wishes. I also added a few collage pieces on the inside and on the reverse of the dividers
I like to have some form of closure to my books, so this time I have used some seam binding to match the look of the papers and used the recycled hook and loop dot, one stuck on the book cover and one on the seam binding to close it. I had a leaf button that I thought went quite well on the front of the seam binding. I also added some recycled raffia to give it a rustic look and to finish it off.
Well there we are, this month project using the AJE and Grab Bag goodies for a journal book. These kits are so versatile and can be used for more than art journaling pages. You can make all sorts of thing with these lovely images and papers. It's one of the things I love the most about digital kits, you can make them work for all sorts of projects.
I hope you have enjoyed my project this month and will join me this time next month for another cut and paste project.

Don’t forget Monthly Grab Bags are only available for a limited time once a month and priced on a sliding scale. Act fast for the best deal. For more information visit TB&CO Grab Bags.

Love Katrina
[Posted by Katrina Rollings]

Welcome artsy friends! It’s time once again to partake in some scrumptious offerings with today’s Art Journal Emporium Gallery Gems!
Let’s jump right in with Kay’s wonderful contribution to the AJE May Challenge and Goodies. Notice how the subtle tones and circles so wonderfully help to convey the theme of celebrating all of life’s possibilities.
Credits: Tangie Baxter’s Beastiary Beasties, Gesso Messy, Compendium of Dreams, Tangible Plans, Possibility, and A Door Opened.
Next we have Donna’s self described "everything but the kitchen sink" page, using the prompt colors and quote from the AJC Itinerary No. 19 - Fortuity. The rich color palette beautifully compliments this mixed media beauty.
Credits: Everything but the kitchen sink...
And finally, we have Rese’s light and airy take on AJC Itinerary No. 18 - Confidence. Love the paint brush, the flowers, the doily - simply lovely!

Credits: Tangie Baxter & Co’s May Grab Bag: Tangie Bundle No. 21 and Rebecca Bundle No. 21
The Art Journal Emporium membership includes Tangie Baxter's Collage Workshop for the current month BEFORE it's released in the TB & CO store. In addition to the digital downloads there is a video tutorial and some wonderful sample projects. Collage Workshop materials need to be downloaded before the end of each month.
Tangie Baxter & CO’s Art Journal Caravan is going strong and we’d love for you to join us on the adventure!

Don’t forget Monthly Grab Bags are only available for a limited time once a month and priced on a sliding scale. Act fast for the best deal. For more information visit TB&CO Grab Bags.

Many thanks to Kay, Donna and Rese for sharing their incredible work with us! And thank you for taking time out of your busy day to stop by and peruse this week’s Gallery Gems! See you next time...
[Posted by: Glenda Mulac]

Hello, Katrina Rollings here again with my regular monthly project for those who love their cut and paste.
I have been doing cut and paste projects with digital kits for many years now. Even though I try very hard to only print out the elements I think I will need for the project I am about to work on, no matter how much you plan and measure to get the right size, colour and type of elements you want to use, you will always end up with the odd paper or collage pieces you don't use. As crafters are all the same at heart I know you, like me, have a growing pile of these pieces that we just can't bear to throw away but what can we do with them?
Well, you could hang on to them until they will fit into a project you are working on of course, or you could start a glue book, which is what I do. That is the project I have to show you today.
"But what is a glue book?" I hear you cry! All it is is a book you glue things in, in a style that pleases you. You can use any book, any glue and any scraps but I like to use all those bits of collage you have spent ages cutting out along with any other little gems you happen to find.
So, grab a book, some glue and that pile of collage bits you have been saving up and perhaps a cup of tea and a biscuit and we can get started.

The book I am using at the moment is one I have made up myself. I found a nice old book and took all the pages out of it. I then stitched some plain card pages into it instead. The collage pieces I am using today are all from the grab bags and collage sheets we have had so far this year. The glue I use is just normal PVA , white school glue in the USA I think, I use that for all my paper projects and art journaling but a glue stick will work fine too.
All you need to remember is there is only one rule - use glue and paper - the rest is up to you.
The way I go about it is to first cover the page in paper.

I like to lay it all out first then cut to size and glue it down.

I cover all the background with pieces of paper, even the tiny gaps.
Then I add other elements over the top until I feel it is finished. It's as simple as that!
I do warn you though, you may find you just can't do one page……. It does become slightly addictive but it is so easy and great fun to do. It is a great thing to get the children doing and a different way to use old comics and magazines too.
As I said I can never just do one page, so here are two more pages I made using some of my leftover collage pieces.

I really hope you give a Glue Book a try, they are really easy, great fun and can be done anywhere.
There are so many places you can play in your Glue Book, here are a few-
- I like to do mine in front of the TV and in the garden.
- When you want to do something creative but haven't got the time or space for a larger project.
- I also like to take mine on holiday with me as it doesn't take up much space.
- If you had the collage pieces cut out before you left home, it would be great to do on a flight, you could tear the papers to size.
- A great project for the children to do with you, everyone can have their own book as you can use any book, even junk mail booklets.
- It is a great way to get your creativity going or introduce someone to collage and art journaling.
As I think you can tell I love my Glue Book and have really enjoyed sharing mine with you today.
Did you know last year as part of the Art Journal Emporium Tangie did a Glue Book Workshop? That's just one of the many member benefits as part of the AJE.

The Art Journal Emporium membership includes Tangie Baxter's Collage Workshop for the current month BEFORE it's released in the TB & CO store. In addition to the digital downloads there is a video tutorial and some wonderful sample projects. Collage Workshop materials need to be downloaded before the end of each month.
Monthly Grab Bags are only available for a limited time once a month and priced on a sliding scale. Act fast for the best deal. For more information visit TB&CO Grab Bags.
I will be back again next month with another cut and paste project, till then, take care.
Love Katrina X
[Posted by: Katrina Rollings]
I'm a big fan of process art and the power of art journaling. I have worked through so many really big issues in my life by creating and using art as an outlet. My art journal is a precious place full of powerful pieces and important moments in my life.
But, that being said, sometimes I enjoy creating art for art's sake! Art journaling can be as fun and fancy free as it can be deep and moving.

Today there is no deeper meaning to my work, no powerful emotions tied to the imagery, no intense message for myself or my audience. Today I created a fun piece of art just because!
When is the last time you let yourself go and create something just for the fun of it? Join us in the Art Journal Emporium to share your latest creations, tips, tricks, and oodles of fun!
Don’t forget Monthly Grab Bags are only available for a limited time once a month and priced on a sliding scale. Act fast for the best deal. For more information visit TB&CO Grab Bags.
For more information on the Art Journal Emporium visit Art Journal Emporium - Tangie Baxter & CO.

TB&CO Grab Bag #21 {May 2016}

Resonate: {Tangie Bundle No. 20}
[Posted by: Karli-Marie]

Do you ever just instantly click with a digital product? That's how I felt as I unzipped Tangie's latest grab bag goodies: May 2016 grab bag {No. 21}.
POSSIBILITY! The name hit me like a ton of bricks. Yes. Let's talk about possibilities!
Being positive doesn't always come naturally to me. Sometimes I catch myself playing the same anxiety-induced records over and over again in my head. You know, the ones that play out every scenario of everything that could ever go wrong? The ones that are entrenched in fear and try to cut you down when you're being brave and daring? I'm sure they're no stranger to any of you.
But, it occurs to me that for every action there is an equal or greater reaction. That long line of possibilities goes in the other direction as well... endlessly, in fact. For every negative possibility there is a positive one to combat it. The best part is that deciding which possibilities to imagine is entirely up to us.

Credit: May 2016 grab bag {No. 21}
So what will it be? Will we waste our time and energy focusing on the stuff that's ultimately out of our control? Or, instead, will you pledge to take some time this week to daydream with me. Imagine the amazing and endless possibilities that lie ahead. Where will this road of endless possibility take us? I'm not so sure, but I do know it's an adventure worth exploring.
As always, we love to hear your thoughts. Post a comment below and let us know what you'd like to see on the blog next week!
Don’t forget the Monthly Grab Bags are only available for a limited time once a month and priced on a sliding scale. Act fast for the best deal. For more information visit TB&CO Grab Bags.
For more information on the Art Journal Emporium visit Art Journal Emporium - Tangie Baxter & CO.
[posted by Karli-Marie]

Greetings artsy friends! So far it has been a wonderful, Spring-y weekend here in my neck of the woods - and this week’s Gallery Gems second that emotion!
Let’s start with William Charlebois’ magical, hedgehog-filled olive groves! Love the colors - and of course, the hedgehogs! Perfect for Tangie Baxter & CO’s Art Journal Caravan Itinerary 18 - Possibilities!
Credits: Hedgehogs by TB&CO included in the May 2016 Collage Sheets (part of the Art Journal Emporium May deliveries) and background by Joan Mirro.
Next we have Diane’s absolutely gorgeous answer to the AJC Itinerary 17 - Resonate. I can almost feel the wonder and promise of Spring resonating from her page!

Credits: Gesso Messy by Tangie Baxter, Fable by Rebecca McMeen and MBtheM Tanglewood.
And finally, some excellent advice from the very wise Karon Williams! Karon used the AJC Itinerary 18 word of the week - Confidence - and the Tinted Fragments to create this wonderful ATC!
Credits: May 2016 Collage Sheets (part of the Art Journal Emporium May deliveries) and Possibility by Tangie Baxter & LeeLee by Rebecca McMeen part of this month's Grab Bag, OldNewspaperType and Comic Sans fonts, and quote by Blake Lively.
The Art Journal Emporium membership includes Tangie Baxter's Collage Workshop for the current month BEFORE it's released in the TB & CO store. In addition to the digital downloads there is a video tutorial and some wonderful sample projects. Collage Workshop materials need to be downloaded before the end of each month.
Tangie Baxter & CO’s Art Journal Caravan is going strong and we’d love for you to join us on the adventure!
Don’t forget Monthly Grab Bags are only available for a limited time once a month and priced on a sliding scale. Act fast for the best deal. For more information visit TB&CO Grab Bags.
For more information on the Art Journal Emporium visit Art Journal Emporium - Tangie Baxter & CO.
Many thanks to William, Diane and Karon for sharing their amazing work with us! And thank you for taking time out of your busy day to stop by and peruse this week’s Gallery Gems! See you next time...
[Posted by: Glenda Mulac]

The theme for this monthly Grab Bag is “Possibility” and includes an assortment of dazzling ephemera, word art and stamps from Tangie Baxter that help you uncover just what is possible if you trust in yourself. A playful art doll named Lee Lee with lots of outfits to mix and match, plus more terrific ephemera from Rebecca McMeen are also included plus harmonizing papers to complete this wonderful package.
The pieces of this collection can be used in both digital and mixed media formats. TB&CO Grab Bag #21 {May 2016} is only available for a limited time and is priced on a sliding scale, so act fast for the best deal! For more information visit TB&CO Grab Bags.

Following are some examples of the creative things you can do with the bits and pieces included in the TB&CO Grab Bag #21 {May 2016}.

BTW - over in the Art Journal Emporium, you can participate in monthly challenges. There are two winners every month. Just upload your digital or mixed-media entry by the end of the month.
For more information on the Art Journal Emporium visit Art Journal Emporium - Tangie Baxter & CO.
[posted by: Jan Nicholas]

April's grab bag was chock full of watercolor papers and elements, desert scenes and elements, a sassy art doll Hattie and a selection of cuts from the works of artist Paul Klee.
In April the de Young museum in San Francisco had a limited engagement exhibit called Bouquets to Art (local florists create arrangements that represent a piece of art) and they always have a stunning brochure. I loved the colors and used the cover of the brochure as the focal point of my art piece along with some acrylic paint, stencil and of course a digitally created element from the April Grab Bag, now available as separate kits: Tangie Baxter's Resonate and Rebecca McMeen's Hattie (product images at the end of this post) .
First, I digitally created an art doll using elements from Rebecca’s portion of the Grab Bag - Hattie and then printed it out on paper.
Next I applied a color wash of three colors that are used in the art from the magazine.
Then I cut out my “Hattie” and glued her, the magazine cover and title onto page. As a last thought applied a leaf stencil to the upper left.

TB&CO Grab Bags are only available for a limited time and priced on a sliding scale for more information visit TB&CO Grab Bags. April’s Grab Bag is no longer available, but is available as separate kits: Tangie Baxter's Resonate and Rebecca McMeen's Hattie.

May's Grab Bag will be available soon and if you don't want to miss the best deal you can purchase a subscription, where you automatically get the grab bag every month at the $6 price!
[posted by: Jan Nicholas]

Hello, Katrina Rollings here to share with you my monthly cut and paste, mixed media journal page. This month I have chosen to work with this April's grab bag (see below for product images), there were just so many elements in it I loved.
I will be working in my journal which is a square journal that measures 7.5 inches but you can adapt this page to which ever size journal you work with.
So to begin with I chose the elements I wanted to include in my page from the grab bag kit and re- sized them in my photo editing software to the size I wanted and then printed them out.
I then started on the background. I wanted some of the elements, as you can see in the photo, to become part of the background. So I cut them out and glued them onto my page.
I then added colour over the top of the collaged elements first using watercolour and then drying the page off with my heat gun.
I added some pearl paints through stencils. Both are hand cut, the echo shape is cut with my Silhouette CAMEO® by dragging and dropping the image into the Silhouette CAMEO® software and adding a cut line.
I also added some smudges and marks, the paint comes in the little nail varnish style jar with a little brush inside, with the pearly paint to highlight the images in the background.
To make the wavy lines to stand out more I outlined them using a gel pen. I also outlined other images in the background.
Then added some clouds and outlined them using my crayons.
Then I added my main collage pieces to the page.
The stars are outlined with silver crayon and have a glitter layer applied. Then outlined with a china glass pencil.
The boat and fish I also outlined with crayon and the fish also has a glittery layer to make his scales come to life.
The quote was printed onto a wonderful product called Safmat™. It is a clear sticky film you can print onto and will stick onto just about anything. It was then added to my page to finish it off.
Well there you have it, my journal page for this month. I hoped you enjoyed my walk through and will give some of my ideas a go in your journal. Until next month, enjoy your journal!
Love Katrina
The April Grab Bag is now available as separate kits Tangie Bundle 20 & Rebecca Bundle 20,

Don’t forget Monthly Grab Bags are only available for a limited time once a month and priced on a sliding scale. Act fast for the best deal. For more information visit TB&CO Grab Bags.
For more information on the Art Journal Emporium visit Art Journal Emporium - Tangie Baxter & CO.
[posted by Katrina Rollins]

Greetings and Salutations artsy peeps! It’s time to take a look at this week’s gallery goodness found at Tangie Baxter & CO’s Art Journal Emporium.
Our first gem of the week is by Karon. Lovely colors and delightful little gals. The quote sparked with me as it’s has been a wild - crazy work week.
Credits ~ Art Journal Caravan Itinerary 15, Quote is by Philip K. Dick; Collections: Tinted Fragments and Resonate by Tangie Baxter; Hattie by Rebecca McMeen; Font: OldNewspaperType
Our next bit of goodness is by Bill. I love how the guitars are tucked into the cacti and the sound of music floating thru the night sky.
Credits ~Art Journal Caravan Itinerary No. 13., Resonate by Tangie Baxter and Sound of Music by Mzimm.
Jeanet’s quirky page and quote just made me smile really big!

A big Thank You to you Karon, Bill and Jeanet for sharing such wonderful art with all of us.
Tangie Baxter & CO’s Art Journal Caravan is going strong and we would love for you to join us on the adventure! For more information on the Art Journal Emporium visit Art Journal Emporium - Tangie Baxter & CO.
The Monthly Grab Bags are only available for a limited time once a month and priced on a sliding scale. Act fast for the best deal. For more information visit TB&CO Grab Bags.
Thanks so much for joining me for this week’s highlights…See you next time…
[Posted by Susan Mccarley]