We often get stuck in a rut, sometimes without even realizing it. We may drive the same way home from work every day. We might cook the same things for dinner month after month, perhaps we’ve bought the same color mascara or eye shadow for a couple of years now? These routines may seem like the glue that hold our lives together, after all in our ever faster paced society something has to remain constant. However, many times these routines dull our fabulous minds, they don’t stretch us and encourage us to learn new things, or allow us to try daring new choices! To discover the artist within you this week try taking the long way home (or at least a different street!), try something you’ve never eaten at the grocery store, write with your left hand for an hour. Maybe you can even fix a fun dinner for your family where everyone has to eat with cooking utensils! Be crazy, be daring, do your brain a favor and try something different this week!

To try something different, I grabbed a magazine off my desk, some watercolors and set the timer for 15 minutes! I had such a fabulous time being inspired by another artist! (I also listened to a new audio book!)

PS! Newsletter subscribers get to read these posts first (minus the images), make sure you are signed up [here].

I can't tell you how many times I've heard someone tell me they aren't an artist because (and I quote) "I can't draw a straight line to save my life!". I must admit that I can't help the huge grin that spreads across my face when I hear this. You see, that means you are awesome. That's right, awesome, better than awesome, more like awesomesauce. You don't have to unlearn how to draw straight lines (how many truly straight lines are there in nature anyway? Some argue none?). So here's to us who like to scribble and feel a bit insecure when it comes to drawing. Your assignment this week is to scribble, just for the sake of scribbling in your art journal (or on a piece of paper if you haven't got a journal yet). Just allow yourself to let go and just enjoy scribbling, because seriously when is the last time you got to do that without someone questioning you?

Discover the artist within you today by scribbling and having fun doing it.
Here's to us who won't be saved by drawing straight lines,

PS! Newsletter subscribers get to read these posts first, make sure you are signed up [here].

(Click images to be taken directly to these sites!
Check them often, there is always more to explore!)
We also use the following HASHTAGS: #artjournalemporium #artjournalcaravan #tangiebaxterandco #tbco #tangiebaxter

We feature YOUR artwork daily! Be sure to tag your Art Journal Pockets on Instagram @artjournalpockets #artjournalpockets
[Posted by: Stacy Crookston]

Q: Have you ever been so frustrated creating ATCs or Pocket Letters and everything is all the wrong size?
A: We have the solution! Our new line of TINY BITS collage sheets to the rescue! Everything is PERFECTLY SIZED for 2.5x3.5 cards or pocket letters & pocket pages! You get a great assortment of smaller accents and larger focal pieces to create to your heart's content!
*NEW* Tiny Bits Collage Sheets for ATCs & Pocket Letters

This bundle is a huge savings and these collage sheets are EXCLUSIVE to the bundle and will not be sold separately! There will be more {Tiny Bits} Sets coming soon, so stay tuned for more itty bitty fun.
We would love to see what you create with our new Tiny Bits! Join our FREE Art Journal Pockets Workshop classroom and post a photo of your work in the monthly Show & Tell Gallery.
[Posted by Stacy Crookston]
The theme for this month's Grab Bag is “Envelop” and includes gorgeous butterflies, vintage envelopes plus an assortment of stunning ephemera from Tangie Baxter.
An impish art doll named Mara, various dresses, and more terrific ephemera from Rebecca McMeen plus harmonizing papers are also included to complete this brilliant package.
The pieces of this collection can be used in both digital and mixed media formats. TB&CO Grab Bag #19 {March 2016} is only available for a limited time and is priced on a sliding scale, so act fast for the best deal! For more information visit TB&CO Grab Bags.

Following are some examples of the creative things you can do with the bits and pieces included in the TB&CO Grab Bag #19 {March 2016}. By the way I only used bits and pieces from this month’s grab bag, nothing else.

I hope you enjoy these examples and are inspired to acquire the monthly Grab Bag to design your own unique art.
By the way - over in the AJE, you can participate in monthly challenges. There are two winners every month. Just upload your digital or mixed-media entry by the end of the month.
For more information on the Art Journal Emporium visit Art Journal Emporium - Tangie Baxter & CO.
[posted by Jan Nicholas]
Let's Fly! April 27 2015, 0 Comments
Flying Lessons by Kelly Rae Roberts

I am often asked "How can I start my own business creating art?", one of the ways I discovered the answer to this question through the years was by taking Kelly Rae's "Flying Lessons" e-course. It's a HUGE downloadable book/wordbook that you can work through your own pace. I love Kelly's very real and HONEST approach to creating a life around what you love. I very rarely post about other people's workshops and promote products but, I LOVED working through this book and I think you will too! If you are even thinking about starting your own business in the next couple years, I highly recommend this!


PS! This is an affiliate link but, I'm promoting this book because I BELIEVE in it!
Two of Tangie's greatest passions come together in her brand new online class “A Walk in the Park Sketchbook Adventure”. This magical workshop takes you on a virtual sketchbook tour of Disneyland with all kinds of amazing art projects along the way. Class starts April 1st and it’s $25 off during the presale! You can find details and enroll at ArtJournalingTheMagic.com HURRY! Sale ends soon!
Posted by: Stacy Crookston